RPGDot 2001 Awards
The Prize Winners

In the last weeks of December 2001,
you had the opportunity to vote for the best RPGs released
in 2001. Nobody knows better what these are then you the player
and as such The RPGDot 2001 Awards will look good on any game
receiving one.
We thank all those who entered their votes and helped us in
making it possible to select the best games.
The Prize Winners
As we liked it very much that you took the time to cast your vote, we are now giving away some prizes that were given to us.
Maybe you are one of them, maybe your are not. So check out the prizes and winners below to make sure.
The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
We are giving away one signed copy of Morrowind, courtesy of Bethesda Softworks.
As the game is still in development the winner will have to wait until the game is finally released, but we're sure it will be worth the wait.
The game is won by:
Divine Divinity
A second signed copy of a game, but this time it's Divine Divinity, currently in development by Larian Studios.
The winner will have to wait for this until it has been released later this year. But who wouldn't want to wait for something as promising as this...
The game is won by:
A. Mastropolo from the USA
A total of three Etherlords games, supplied by Fishtank Interactive are given away to the following prize winners:
P. Bilger from the USA
M. Lelak from the USA
S. Rasmussen from Denmark
Not an RPG, but a very good Action/Adventure game supplied to us by Fishtank Interactive. And the following three winners are going to enjoy the underwater world of Aquanox:
M. Mackiewicz from Poland
O. Vosskamp from Germany
T. Marston from the USA
Fishtank Interactive also supplied us with three copies of their RTS hit S.W.I.N.E.. And the following three winners are going to have fun with this one:
B. Ellsworth from the USA
J. Gilliland from Canada
J. Hoffman from Germany
Geforce 2-MX400
And finally we have for you this kewl piece of hardware which is brought to you by RPGDot, which is us... and it's won by:
Closing Words
We thank everyone who voted for their time. And remember, even if you didn't win this time, there will be other times when we will be giving away prizes. So keep on giving us your feedback and maybe one day it's going to be you who will be in the spotlight.
Have Fun!
The RPGDot Team