Look for RPGDot to start CNN-like 24/7 Deus Ex: Invisible War coverage soon 'cause there's a lot out there and we're just getting warmed up. ;) Gamer's Logik has posted a preview of the Xbox version of DX:IW:While PC gamers may complain that the interface has been dumbed down, it works perfectly on the Xbox. The only real complaint to be had when it comes to the interface is that the on-screen HUD can be a bit annoying at times as it sits more around the center of the screen as opposed to on the edges. For the most part though, the interface is streamlined and allows for easy access to your weapons, inventory items, and BioMods, via just a few button presses.
Speaking of BioMods, these are the main RPG-elements of the game, as far as your character goes. Gone are the character stats from the original Deus Ex. BioMods are basically your character's "powers" and you can choose from a wide range of them to install, from speed to stealth to drones and even a few that are, shall we say, not-so-legal. You must manage your BioMods carefully though, as you can only have one 'Mod active for each of the five slots your character has. |