Adventure Gamer's own Emily Morganti presents to us her rather promising preview for Pendulo Studios' Runaway 2: The Dream of the Turtle...
Christopher Kellner of dtp, the German publisher of Runaway 2: The Dream of the Turtle, demonstrated a segment of the game at E3. The demo started with the game's lengthy introduction, which makes use of the same sleek, stylized cinematics as the original. As the game opens, Gina—the stripper who won our dorky hero Brian's heart the first time around—is being thrown from an airplane flying over a lush jungle. She falls screaming for a few moments before her rainbow-striped parachute bursts open, sending her drifting through the vivid blue sky toward the lake below. The intro cuts to Brian's computer, where he is private messaging with his hacker friend Sushi, another Runaway alum, about his latest predicament. "You're not gonna believe this," he writes, "but I'm in a big mess again..." The cinematic then flashes back to a hotel room in Hawaii, hours before that ill-fated plane trip, where Brian and Gina are just waking up and we almost get to see her you-know-whats. ("This scene is really cruel for the guys," Kellner joked, as Brian and Gina shifted positions Austin Powers-style to keep the player from glimpsing her chest.) And the opening movie isn't even half over yet |