AdventureDot Logo Contest Winner Kristophe, 2006-01-18
My apologies. Due to some unseasonably bad weather and such in my local, I lost my internet connection for a few days.
Be that as it may - I am happy to announce that we have a winner in the "Create An AdventureDot Logo" Contest.
It was not a "quick and easy" choice, as response to the contest yielded some very creative submissions - forcing my fellow Editors (and myself) to do some serious thinking and judging:-)
In the end, it was rpgdot member ""ôÜÛ"" (aka "Tash") from Moscow, who was deemed the winner. Tash requested a rather different game (i.e. "Baldur's Gate: The Complete Collection" as a prize) which, after a minor complication or two due to both availability of the collection, and shipping restrictions - we finally solved.
Congratulations to "Tash" - and your game should be there in another 3 to 9 days:-)
As soon as our overworked (and underpaid) Super Admin has the time - you will all see the "New Look" Tash has given to AdventureDot:-)
Again - My personal thanks to all of you who participated...Bless you all, and may your adventures always be fulfilling