Internet Gaming Zone has an interview with Jan Turan, lead programmer from 3DPeople, about their upcoming RPG Cult (been quite silent around it lately). Here's a bit:
IGZ: RPG's sector is, nowadays, very various. Why do you think "Cult" would emerge?
JT: Cult have some nice and suprising features. I will now mention a couple of them:
- each character/creature in the game is created from parts. This enable us to have a unlimited number of char/creature combination. No two same looking bandits will attack you. This includes also your main character. You will be able to visualy modify your character in never ever seen details (skin, hair, eyes, clothes (multiple parts), armor (multiple parts), ect. This system also enable us to have visual critical hits: you can chop off arms, legs, heads of your enemies.
- our engine is 3D so we have all the amazing 3D card features like zooming, dynamic lighting, shadows, 3D characters and objects. |