Adventure Gamers' resourceful Laura MacDonald has posted a very interesting and detailed review of Nibiru: Age of Secrets.Laura was not very impressed , mainly because of some weird puzzles that where included in the game and she has awarded Nibiru a 3 out of 5 star rating .
Here's a snippet from the end of the review :
I realize this is bordering on subjective rant territory, but I feel like people need to know what lies ahead BEFORE they plunk their scant dollars down, or at least before they start framing their expectations based on their early experience playing the game. That being said, I still recommend NIBIRU, with some obvious caveats attached. If that sounds inconsistent based on my experience with those two puzzles, I need to return to my earlier comments. The game is basically comfortable, familiar, well-crafted fun. For fans of classic games like Broken Sword, NIBIRU: Age of Secrets is a slightly poorer country cousin. With its tried and true storyline, diverse cast of personalities, spruced up graphics, largely inventory-based puzzling, and 12 or so hours of gameplay, you get generally good value for your money. As for the two nightmare puzzles, get a hint, a solve, or better yet a saved game, and move on, because otherwise the game definitely warrants a look. Although NIBIRU is updated, it remains at its heart a classic mouse-driven adventure, and provides a kind of gaming equivalent of comfort food. It may be a guilty pleasure, but it's still reasonably good fun.