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Divine Divinity: Walkthrough, Aleroth (Back to contents)
1) Aleroth
2) Catacombs, first level
3) Catacombs, second level
4) Catacombs, third and fourth level
5) Catacombs, fifth level
6) Aleroth and the south
7) Around Aleroth and Zandalor

Catacombs, Level 2

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Overview of the second level

Axe Hunting
This level is all about axe hunting. You will find several axes on this level and only one of them is Slasher. Almost all axes you find here you can not use yourself, because one of your stats is most likely not high enough for that.

From your entry point you will find one to the east of you and one to the south of you. From the southern room you can go west but will soon discover that you are stopped by a closed door which you just can not open right now, so you will have to walk back to the entrance and go west from there.

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Time to meet Slasher

You will soon find a smaller room which has a floor tile you can click on. If you do you will go down into a small area where you will find one axe. This is Slasher.
But there are more axes to find, so go back up and keep on going west, where you'll find another axe.

Upon entering the room to the far northwest you find yourself surrounded by a skeletal guardian and several skeletal warriors. A skeletal guardian is a lot tougher than a warrior so take care. Once you disposed of them you can go to the next room which has a stairway leading down to level 3. But as we are not finished here go back a bit and go to the southwest of the current level.

Unlocking the Door
Go to the southwest of this level until you can not go any further and then move to the east. You will find another axe here and if you keep on walking there is a small corridor going north. At the end of it there is a lever, which you have to pull to open the formerly mentioned closed door.

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Nice dragon... nice..

So now you have to go all the way back to the closed door again (check the map on how to get there if you are lost). Before you go through the door prepare yourself for a fight as you will meet your first skeletal conjurer here. This conjurer can open a portal that will keep new skeletal warriors coming in. So the best thing to do is to ignore the other skeletons and go straight for the conjurer. It should not be too hard to spot who this is. Once you've killed them all, pick up the axe.

Back to the Orcs
It's time now to go back to the orcs and give Slasher to Smiruk. But be careful if you have Gregor Brock following you then he will immediately start attacking the orcs. When you enter level 2 drop all axes there (you can not carry everything with you through the catacombs) and with Slasher run to Smiruk, talk to him and give him Slasher. You should be able to do this quickly enough to have things over with before Gregor becomes the showstopper. When you've given the axe to Smiruk, he will try it out on one of the other orcs and slashes him to pieces. The he takes his leave and warns you not to follow him as the other orcs do not think so friendly of you, then he leaves.

Go back to where you dropped the axes. You now have the choice to sell these axes (although nobody has enough money to buy them all), but if you leave the catacombs Gregor will selfdestroy and he is no longer of any use to you. So you might want to wait until he dies in combat first. You can leave the axes there, they will not go anywhere and there is a lot of other loot to gather which you can not all carry when you are also carrying the axes (which you can't use anyway).

When you are finished doing what you want to do go back to level 2 and go to the northwest where you previously discovered the stairway to the third level.

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