A new Grab Bag is available at the Camelot Herald. Here's a brief sample:The question isn't why I'm awake, the question is why YOU'RE awake:
Q: Why does my house think I'm still in my old guild when I try to hang guild banners? None of my toons are in that guild anymore, and all of my characters are in a new guild.
A: From your friends in CS: "This happens in one of two ways:
"When a player has a Banner or Shield bearing their old guild hall in the home, they won't be able to display the new banners until all old ones are removed.
"When a player has no Banner/Shield items on the wall, the first time they place new ones for the new guild, they need to zone out of, and back into, the home. We see them as the new banners, the player needs to zone once before they will display proper to them. They will still see the old banners until they do." More... |