The corporations system sort of reminds us of the clan system in some first-person shooters. Was that the original idea behind it?
Oskarsson: Partly yes, the original drafts for the corporation system even divided corporations into two types, with one being basically identical to FPS clans. Later we joined the two types together, so the element still exists -- especially for a corporation that is not pursuing the economical benefits of corporations, such as owning stations or mass manufacture, but rather focusing on the mercenary aspect of the corporation. How did the original idea evolve to what you have now in the game?
Oskarsson: Well, mainly it got simplified a lot. There are still many aspects of corporations that we want to add as time goes by, such as enhancing the options in corporation warfare and expanding the economical possibilities of corporations. As well as enabling more structures within the corporations such as divisions and individual security clearances and so on.