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Another small forum snibblet from Troika's Leon Boyarsky can be found at the Vampire: Bloodlines forum:Renegade - we originally had will power in our game for that purpose, but it got dropped along with other vampires dominating or dementating you in combat for gameplay reasons. It wasn't fun, basically. You can't use your dialog feats on vampires (or dementate or dominate, for that matter) as you're a fledgling, and they're generally more powerful than you are. I don't believe you'll be seeing the prince before the game ships, people like alot of action in the gameplay movies, and he's all about talking.
Appleseed - we originally had 7/5/3 point distribution, then when that made you too powerful to start, we dropped it to 5/4/3, and even that was too much. Basically, on most things we started with the Vamp system and balanced from there for a fun computer game experience. No, this will not be a repeat of the techs in Arcanum, that game wasn't tested nearly enough - there were too many options to cover. Since the beginning point distribution is used by every clan (though distributed differently), every testing playthrough used those stats to start, so it's been tested extensively. Sorry, no Ironman mode. To add it might be easy, it's the testing that would add too much time/difficulty since it wasn't planned for from the beginning.
Renegade - You can't max your character sheet even if you do every side quest. And I just found out someone here did play through the game using only brawl(no melee or firearms), by the way.
Zentarim - We had always planned for the game to be mostly first person, so we didn't plan on any character customization. It wasn't until brawl and melee began to be extremely fun that some people started playing much more of the game in third person. |