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Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion: 3/10 points

My humble opinion on Oblivion: I do not want to go on about Arena was this, Dagerfall was that Morwwind etc etc Each game was standalone..but all the prior ones completely caught me in, transporting me In a different world where I could Roleplay to the max,. Oblivion after a few hours of playing just bored me to the max or annoyed me, been trying to really pinpoint it and perhaps this post helps me a bit to clear my doubts. Your opinions would help me and I hope helps you too. As you can see I am kind of a nut case regarding elder scrolls ..but Oblivion....honestly is one Very Very Big disappointment. Reasons: many, I saw some mentioned here some not I will try to list some of them. What still keeps me playing it are the graphics, yes perhaps some other games are better but so far I like them, with limitation some of them are really poor: I have an high end PC and use HDR lighting..and at time is really horrendous, you walk on a dungeom and can see all the seems and joints off all the tiles constantly, it really takes away the feel to be in another world ( no no antiala is in HDR) I have allmost everything maxxed out , besides shadows. Who cares about shadows when 60% of the time it is or raining or it iis nightfall, took the grass away basically for game play, the bushes are so high that when I was wandering outdoors I could not see anything beyond few meters and an entire army could have been parked next to me and I could have missed it. So Far almost all maxxed out and I get 33/41 fps average outdoors. I got one great graphic improvement and added it and it really made a big change, even so the sea is so lifeless nothing in it besides a rare shell or an even rare crawfish...disappointing. Costume design...AArgh talk about bad taste, I found a full set of Elvish armor..(.well we had to expell the user from it") ,and UGLY! have you seen the boots, looks like you are wearing scuba diving fins.. swords, besides the katana ( totally underrated ) the rest of them can be put in the category..boring and lifeless. Armor. all helms are allmost of the same hybrid Greco-Roman reminiscence, have you seen the Dwarven helm? looks like someone stuck a funnel to your head. Sounds. Great you get the stereo effect when you walk by people talking etc etc Game play: insipid to infuriating. Here the list gets very very long: I bypass the lockpick minigame I think enough has been said about it, but that speech minigame....( censor) so far I found 6 quest that you must use it..that is it..use it or go nowhere...I found a way around it but still it is annoying me to the max that you get a quest, and you go ask ppl around for information, and the same ppl that a second ago talked about their lives now mistrust you and you must convince them to be nice to you..bleahhh Leveling and bestiary....ouch... First of all I never hunted higher levels. actually the opposite, I take my time I like to role play ( which I find harder and harder to do) I even added a mod that slows down your skill advancements ( i have it at x4 more) still just for crawling cautiously in caves, dungeons or whatever bad territory I got an insane 70! (at sneaking) at level 10! ( yes 10 ) and I am not RP a thief or an assassin the opposite actually I entered a cave full of Goblins and guess what? all the goblins now are armed with elvish weapons....oh my.....bandits on the roads the same... I am curious so I went exploring as soon I could dump all the junk I got from the first dungeon...oh my this region looks that has an infestation of road bandits wild beasts roaming imps etc..etc.. I cannot walk around more than 5 minutes that I am attacked, gets old after a few hours of gameplay. Combat..I find it a step backward not forward, or is it me that I lost my coordination or really is not that great, i find the usuall routine...you see me far, now I am not... I am on top of you hitting you like a machine gun, not enough, look now I am I become a jumping jack and jump behind you so I can backstab you, I use a warhammer,( a slow and tiring weapon as far as I know) no problems I am the cousin of speedy Gonzales with the stamina of an ox I keep swinging and swinging.....boring...I rarely found I a fight that was really satisfying...same old routine over and over and over. I posted time ago of how basically if you attack anything humanoid you are charged with an assault...I think I know why, perhaps I am wrong... I ended up in a place ( quest) when I soon I walked in all npc are hostile, OK...the first in front of me does not have even time to move that I cut him down running around I basically caught all other members not ready or getting ready to fight, it was one of the easiest fights ever and a 4 vs one! Went through a door and now I find one waiting ..hard..read routine above. Perhaps because I use light armor (they took away medium) and I am fastish still...took me by surprise how the first 4 where so easy, and I mean easy, the moment I started hitting they could not recover ( strange). I forgot in How many quests I have been sent to eliminate some bad NPC and think in 4 of them I had the guards waiting for me outside ready to arrest me for charges of theft murder assault etc..??what? and these are not thieves or assassin quests (the opposite actually). The protect me type quests are really unnerving in one 5 dremora and a clanfear where waiting me and my charge..in a totally dark area...pfffffff there is no continuity I think just chatting around for rumors someone told me where to meet the gray fox! uh? by chance one time I was close by went to check it , a charm spell et voila' I am in the thieves guild? what! does not make sense....total clean record still welcome welcome...sister...uh? I walk by a city and see this big marker...( Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary )..uh?....the most mysterious despised and hunted organization and there you have a big sign saying hey we are here!... Many many more incongruities as the untrappable traps..take it or leave it type ones...one quest basically I found myself being not anymore in the elder scrolls but playing prince of Persia....Spells that cannot be deleted till some saint in the comunity finds a way to bypass that and makes a mod for it. Basically I feel this game has been made for the mass (no offense to anybody, please), for a play station ( call it xbox or whatever) and made to appease everybody and in doing so does not please anyone. I do really hope some people really succeed to correct some mistakes ( I think all cannot be done) and make some mods that corrects them and perhaps Obliivion would be closer to what we expected. Regards to all
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