Oblivion Source, a fansite for Bethesda's 'Morrowind' sequel, has conducted an interview with Bethesda's Pete Hines about the fourth installment in the 'Elder Scrolls' series...Since 2002, Bethesda is developing the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Bethesda always tried getting the best out of their Elder Scrolls series, and Oblivion won’t be an exception. Advanced AI and combat technology makes a leap forward in RPG technology, where you have complete freedom of your role in the game.
Oblivion is a single-player game, programmed for the PC and future game-consoles. Just like in Morrowind you can choose what you can do, and you’re completely responsible for you actions. You can be combat fighter, a wizard, a merchandiser, everything is possible! Also there is again a possibility to join factions, like the fighters or mages guild or even more. You can do quests for them, and gain popularity by the people. Unlike Morrowind, Oblivion is not a name of a province, but equivalent for hell. It is the place where all demons live, and where the dark lord comes from. The game itself takes place in the capital province of Tamriel, Cyrodiil, and possibly parts or all of Oblivion itself. You might think that the province or Cyrodiil is smaller than Morrowind, but the game’s landmass will be bigger than Morrowind. |