The MMOG division of Gamer's Hell has interviewed Harvey Tasker, the Senior Developer on the fantasy MMORPG 'Ishtan'.Not too widely known yet, the official website of Ishtan states the game is a "medieval world of magic and swordplay", "a graphically rich 3d mmorpg". The first thing we noticed was the excessive punctuation on the front page title, reading: "Massive, Multi-player, Online, Role-playing, Game". While reading this interview, it will most probably become apparent why they have emphasized every single word in "MMORPG" like that.
If - and we will not speculate on how likely it is here - Ishtan gets to see the light of day, there is one Hell of an adventure waiting for you! Another eyecatcher is the variety of races, which are unlike in most other games, mostly of the same race with minor modification - six Elven races, three Halfling races, three different Dwarven races, Gnomes, Orcs, Humans.. it's all there.
Without more of my rambling however, let me present to you, Harvey Tasker - Senior Developer for Ishtan, who answered all questions by our very own Nandini with incredible detail. |