Once he was one of the biggest mouths in internet publishing *g*, now he is working for Mystic on Dark Age of Camelot: Lum The Mad was interviewed by UnknownPlayer about his new job and how it changed his life, but also about his history:
{UnknownPlayer} Tell us a little about Lumthemad.net, how did that come into existance?
{Lum_} It started out as just a page where I posted weird ramblings I came up with about UO, except instead of posting them to a mailing list I posted them to a weblog.
{Lum_} It got fairly popular. I kept hopping around dodging melting web servers, and at some point realized a domain name would be helpful.
{Lum_} Dr. Twister registered lumthemad.com before I could, so I was stuck with .net. The rest isn't really history, but it was in the past, so it sort of is like history. |