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Dungeon Lords has been rated 52 times so far, average score: 5.08/10 points


Mike Arlet has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Mike Arlet)

Full of bugs-terrible.Shame on publisher and developer!Otherwise this can be a good game-not Gothic nor Morrowind-but good game.W/o bugs i can give this game 7.

JustAnotherUser has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from JustAnotherUser)

Greetings! First off, I am a Software Developer. I have always wanted to get into the gaming industry. However, it's just too **** expensive, and I'm in a geographical area that lacks big name gaming companies. Anyways, with that said, I bought Dungeon Lords. I've played for about 12 hours, and yes I'm still in the **** Fargrove Sewers. Mainly due to the fact I chose to be an elf mage. Therfore, I don't have any sense of direction to obtain the map feature of the Rouge at this point in time. From what I've read on the box, and the official website, the only feature that was dropped was the custom character feature. The Map was in a state where they decided to make it only available if you had the skill. Fine, but it would be nice to be able to find pieces of a map, especially in the buildings, or the ability to buy them. As for the menu flashing, resellable scrolls, and the non-functioning junk section of the inventory. The save/load images not appearing in the save/load screens. The volume of the menu...**** that's load. These are minor bugs, that should have been caught by Quality Assurance. As for mis-leading, I didn't know that Reviving would take away a skill point at random....once I read the manual I found out that was the cost. In regards to the having to quit then re-load a game, that's very annoying. But, it's a minor design issue. If the gaming industry is anything like the application industry, most higher ups push for development followed behind by the design document and end user documentation. Not exactly the way i'd do it, but hey they're just trying to make the almighty buck. Overall, I like the game, so far. And I give it a 6 out of 10. It lost points with me because of the following: 1. Obviously it wasn't polished. Or was rushed through Quality Assurance. 2. Unable to customize the character, when the option to do so is visible! 3. The hordes of beasts, 5 at a time is nice, 30 or so sucks, especially if you have the monster difficulty set to hard and monster materialization set to high. When I kill something I want it to stay dead! Except for zombies...unless you burn them.... 4. Unable to buy maps, if you don't have the Rogue Skill. 5. A few graphical gliches. ie: The elf has a bare arm, the shield doesn't sit perfectly on the arm, and there is no strap holding the shield onto the arm. Yeah, I can be picky when I want to be. If 2 and 4 hadn't existed, I would have given it an 8! Oh, it would also be nice if the game didn't freeze when it can't find a file. It should gracefully ignore it, if it's a sound. If it's a texture or video then it really should exit appropriately. Well as I said, that's my 2 cents.

Merrioc has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Merrioc)

buggy as hell, little direction for puzzels. To many 'so what do I do now' stages. No mapping at all. just a poorly released game.

Warrior_Nomad has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Warrior_Nomad)

I can't say for rpg game that it is bad,because I like them all and this game is buggy but I m playing it!

arnox has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from arnox)

some of the finer points are missing, like furniture. but the game is still very playable with a huge world to explore and puzzles to rack your brain...I'll give it a solid 8

bob has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from bob)


Glitch has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Glitch)

This is one of the funniest rpg game ever and the best thing is that they have made network with co-op, but I can only give it 7 1. cause of all those many bugs I experienced, almost at the end at the game the monster spawn was bugged so much that if I does not have more save games running at a time then I couldn't have complete the game :( 2 some persons speaks with voice others dont 3. music and map is needing somewhere in the game, but the theme music and main menu is great. I really hope they are making another great game like this.

nemam has rated 2/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from nemam)

boring, repetitive, reeks of console stupidity, and bugged like hell ;x

Jay has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jay)

If we can stand the bug and other minor problem, it offer a lot of fun. It is my dream to be a hero and slash all monster i see. And i found it well on this game.

malvado has rated 2/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from malvado)

To many issues with this game, the character development system also has issues such as missing features and skills not working properly, but what probably bothers me most is the lacking atmosphere and setting to not say the empty towns and missing sub-quests.

Boldas has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Boldas)

Very cool game!

Brianq has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Brianq)

Loved it. Didn't like the bugs in it, bu it's better than most games out there now!

Eldoth has rated 2/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Eldoth)

this game sucks

Rock:Keeper has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Rock:Keeper)

cool game...

Mord has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Mord)

I haven't played it... I *won't* play it. So I can't really comment on the game. But I can certainly comment on the reviews. You say its "sexy to complain" these days. Yet you are giving an "8" rating on a scale of "10" to a game you admit was released incomplete, without music, with incomplete town areas, and glaring bugs. Other people have commented on the annoying inability to bypass conversations. Other annoyances, such as pointless respawns. Talk about lowering the bar. I think the idea of accepting a game with such flaws as have been adequately reviewed elsewhere is begging for more games released in the same state. Many complain about the dearth of quality RPGs on the market, they then happily accept Dungeon Lords for want of anything better to play... and then you wonder why there aren't many quality RPGs on the market. So if this game is an '8', where does Morrowind or Baldur's Gate fit in? Right, they were perfect, no room for improvement. I guess they get a 9. And then a game with REAL, SERIOUS FLAWS, like, you can't even run it out of the box, well, it gets a '7'.

Naked Lunch has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Naked Lunch)

Dude, thius game fucking sucks

the mighty stamar has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from the mighty stamar)

not complete the dungeons are fun though not nearly as bad as people say but still worse than average

Raster has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Raster)

Giving it a 8/10 is just plain ignorant, and disrespectful to those of us who had to pay $40 for this piece of dog manure.

TheCleric has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from TheCleric)

It's not a bad game w/the 1.3 patch, if you can overlook some of it's shortcomings. However, the unfinished condition of the game is so blatent, with so many advertised features missing that the average gamer who bought the game based on advertisements from the official web-site and the box can't help but feel cheated. The publisher's attempts to convince the gaming community that this isn't the case, compound rather than help the situation.

poot has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from poot)

The game is very good, but unfinished. Very few NPCs to interact with and the overland travel can be time consuming at the least. HP need to add about 3-5 more moongates to cut down on travel time. The version 1.3 patch makes the game much more enjoyable. Don't knock this game till you try it.

Yarac has rated 2/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Yarac)

Great underlying chracter development system, but let's look at the two fundamental qualities of any game: Playability - even with patch 1.3 the game is simply unplayble due to the bugs - multiplayer doesn't even save inventory status. Imagine reloading a 10th level Thief after a crash in the middle of a battle and finding your best equipable weapon is now a rusty dagger... Fun - At the end of the day, fun is what it's all about, and while bashing constantly respawning monsters is exhilirating for the first 15 or 20 minutes, it's just not fun in the long run (except for the MMORPG crowd).

Andreas aka the!dragon has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Andreas aka the!dragon)

Quest bugs are worst; bad diary option; no map OVERVIEW; too few side quests; empty cities; no NPCs in the wilderness - a pity. Respawn DOES make sense, in the wilderness (but NOT in a dungeon in a corridor right behind you). The up side points are exactly as mentioned in the article. hence, I rate it 7.

stfunub has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from stfunub)

the reviewer is a faggot who can't write worth shit and tosses dw bradley's salad on an hourly basis in exchange for a quick reach-around. get a fucking clue, newb.

It's true has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from It's true)

Suprisingly fun. Not bad.

Mark has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Mark)


Yea yea has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Yea yea)

This is best game ever! A brilliant idea! As you progress your character will become weaker and weaker! At the very first dungeon you enter (if you can kill a Goblin boss!) you will be attacked with goblin BALISTAS which RESPAWN with four other Goblins. Not to mention that you have to kill a TROLL that is protected by magician Goblins BEFORE YOU CAN ENTER THE FIRST CITY IN THE GAME. Envoriment is just so great that you will be constantly lost! Such a great idea there is not even a map at least showing cities! That is so great! And cities, oh cities are just buildings put together! Think of it CITIES ARE ACCUALLY BUILDINGS THAT ARE STANDING TOGETHER... Ehrm... sorry I got carried away... And citizens. Those annoying NPCs. There is none! Other then one in Fargrove that wears women cloths but has a male voice constantly saying to move along, no matter how far you are! Oh, did I mention that fighting is so cool that you will always be outnumbered and surronded by overwhelming numbers of monsters that even sheild won't help. And with a super cool flinching animation you never be able gain the upper hand, so you will always to be strafing or back pedalling... But here is a catch, every single monster pack (if every single monster doesn't) has a ranged attack that they can switch between melee in a matter of a single frame. Oh by the way one of the greatest part of the game is that enemies do constantly spawn behind you. Being inside a city doesn't mean you will be attacked by monsters or thevies, which will eventually prove that there are more thevies and monsters living in a city. So what did I learn from this game is; DW Bradley is nothing... Make yourself a favour. Don't overrate or buy overrated games. Game is no where being complete because Dungeon Lords is not a game yet. Such a waste...

sentinel69 has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from sentinel69)

I like the game very much even it is not finished.The dungeons are very nice and challenging.

WhiteMage has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from WhiteMage)

The bugs aren't the worst thing - one can live with that. But the monster spawning method makes it a mere hack and slash - you can't play it as a pure mage for example, because you always die. It is no RPG, rather something like Diablo 2.

name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


George Mims Jr. has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from George Mims Jr.)

This game would be great if it wasn't so buggy! Lots of the features are not available and some the predicted Heraltries are not givin when you complete a quest. I think games should not be released if there not ready to market properly yet. I WANT MY MONEY BACK, PLEASE!!!!!

name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


bubble has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from bubble)


ryan has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from ryan)


yourfrienldyfatguy has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from yourfrienldyfatguy)

This game despite its many bugs is not actually that bad. Sure there is no mini-map, but so what? Cruise online and you will find your maps. Thrown weapons seem to get stuck in the monsters. I find that these issues are minor flaws. Buy the way why is this board allowing a 13 year old to write Fuck,faggot and shit. Big words for such a little boy. Stfunub is an idiot.

name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Craig has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Craig)

Great multi-player FPS combat in an RPG world.

Johnny has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Johnny)

Pretty good and awesome if you love challenges so play it when you have the time

Kopuliak has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Kopuliak)

no comment

Onirosis has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Onirosis)

Great game! Caracter creation is realy cool and love the way that you have too picklock chests and doors. I think that people need to play more then 10 min to make their opinion about that game. After the combat learning curve, fight is really fun and satisfaying

barchus has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from barchus)

is not finished, mp is not playable, sp many bugs world unfinished Great RPG system ?!? sure ? the most of rpg features are not aktiv or not finished lookpick not possible and too many other things i vote with 1 because it coast 20 $ and it is not finished 8/10 - A safe buy. An 8/10 rated RPG is sure to provide lasting quality entertainment. The game was not special enough to warrant an award though. ROFL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! · Full support for both Single-Player stand-alone and Multi-Player game sessions. · Beautiful real-time 3D full freedom 3rd person perspective of all game settings and creatures, including outdoor wilderness areas, swamps, forests, mountains, arctic lands, towns, villages, castles, dungeons, caves, mines, and spiritual planes. · Detailed PC Personal Character Development featuring a number of character races to choose from, and including personal attributes, skills, and unique character traits (perks). ähm no, sure you mean Dungeon Lords ?

guy has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from guy)


name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

This game stinks

name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Garrett has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Garrett)

see my review at rpgdot here

Narpet has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Narpet)

This rating is for the Collector's Edition... a finished, great game!

Ian has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Ian)


Mitosion_Drea-Nor has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Mitosion_Drea-Nor)

i like...i like

elmroth has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from elmroth)

Collector's edition is an exciting and rewarding action (sort of arcade) rpg. Some of the fights are very tough. I found the stats and class development fun to figure out.

Earendil has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Earendil)

Bugs,bugs,bugs... Ok, now that after so many months uptadet to 1.3 u can play it(still got problems). I'm w8ing for 1.4 version to continue it. Shame on company that release a game with so many bugs. Excepts bugs you can see a fun action/rpg game with nice class system and fun combats. Oh...and the sound of game...sucks!!!
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