Filefront has an interview on EQ: Dragons of Norrath. I'll let the first question introduce the interviewee:Q: Could you please introduce yourself for the readers? Who are you, and what is your role in creating EverQuest: Dragons of Norrath?
A: My name is Robert Pfister, I am the Executive Producer of EverQuest. I am responsible for the overall ongoing development of both the live game of EverQuest and of the expansions. To help me, I have Craig Knapp, our Associate Producer, Chris Lena, our Project Manager, Jamey Ryan, our TD, Cory Rohlfs, our Lead Character Artist, John Roy, our Lead Environment Artist, Ryan Barker, Jason Mash, Travis McGeathy and John Troy who are leading the Design effort on this expansion, and, of course, the Voice of EverQuest, that capable communicator, that magnificent messenger, the happy halfling, our very own Alan Crosby, Community Manager. |