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A preview of Morrowind has been published at GCC. Here's a tasty bit:
Progression in Morrowind has a heavy emphasis on joining guilds. Each guild focuses on a particular art form. So if your hands get a little tingly around unguarded crates, then perhaps the Thieves' guild is the group for you. Or maybe you just want to become a fierce fighter, then the Fighters Guild may be more your speed. These are just two of the many guilds that you can join. Once in the guild, your leader will give you specific quests in which you must complete. The more quests you can complete, the higher rank that you can achieve. However, in the preview build, there may be a point to where you can advance in rank, but having all of the statistical qualifications may not be enough. You also want to keep from joining too many guilds, or else you will end up in the same situation that I did, and end up taking out an entire guild just to complete another guilds quest, which btw is against the law. Once you break the law, you must either pay a fine, spend time in jail, or die. These fines can escalate very quickly. When I killed an entire guild, the bounty on my head went from zero to six thousand.
Those who have played games like Everquest and Ultima will become instantly familiar with how to play Morrowind. Yet that doesn't seem good enough with Bethesda, as they are constructing an in-game tutorial to bring all players up to speed in no time. Morrowind will also allow you to play the game in either first or third person. Each view has its own advantages and disadvantages. Like other RPGs, you can increase your combat and trade skills through experience with creatures and NPCs. It takes awhile to build up your stats, but thankfully Morrowind gives some helpful hints on how to properly build up your stats. Most of the stats that you build have a direct connection with another stat, giving you a huge benefit should you learn to balance the correct stats. This is a really nice one, with interesting screenshots, so head over and enjoy... |