The weekly Glimpse Inside has been posted at the official site for Earth & Beyond. This time, it's about the Sha'ha'dem:
The roots of the Sha'ha'dem philosophy come from Dr. Elias ben Joseph, philosopher-physicist and commander of the Ganymede Project Starship, the Jin-Qui Maru. It was during this expedition that ben Joseph wrote the Four Inspirations, which became the basis for Jenquai society. Arriving at Jupiter after a five-year transit, ben Joseph and his colonists struggled to build a makeshift base and home, but ben Joseph himself dreamed of something greater. He envisioned an orbital metropolis, populated by those who embraced life amongst the stars. Ben Joseph's vision would find form, but not in his lifetime. Shortly after the death of the great Jenquai patriarch, construction began on the orbital Jove City, which would serve as a capital for the increasingly independent-minded colonists. By 2149, the descendants of the original Jin-Qui Maru colonists had taken to calling themselves the "Jenquai Autonomous Region." Eleven years later, following the War of Secession, they became the Jenquai Hierate. Those scientist-mystics who adhered to the teachings of Elias ben Joseph, and named themselves Sha'ha'dem, took their place as leaders of a fiercely independent people.