The next review of 'Restricted Area' comes from Game Chronicles. Describing the game as "fast paced, fun, and invigorating", the score is 7/10:There is something about envisioning our future that naturally fascinates mankind, and if it’s a dark and destructive future, we’re all the more intrigued. Whether this fascination has to do with a disguised desire to live in an anarchic world with a personal purpose rather than a comfortable world of complacency, or whether it’s just the general ‘what if’ syndrome is up for debate, but games that take place in a dark futuristic world that could very well be our own seem to pop up often either way.
Enter Restricted Area, a dark post-apocalyptic world in which shady corporations rule a world of uncertainty, a world ravaged by pollution, human greed, and our own eventual downfall. This has lead people to lives of mutant bounty hunting, and a loss of self-philosophy and morals that lead to a dangerous game of survival. Come on, you know you’ve daydreamed about it. Now let’s see how well Master Creating has realized this vision. |