The game has been released some time ago and received some nice reviews. Here's a new one, at Gamers' Press. Their review of Severance: Blade of Darkness rates the game 7/10, and they call it an enjoyable, but standard action game. Here's a bit about fighting:
The combat system takes some features from fighting games such as Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat (geeze, am I sounding ancient now?), with combo and special moves activated by pressing keys in a certain order. Blessfully, these key sequences are usually easier to pull off in Blade of Darkness then in fighting games, which is good because in blade of darkness you have to aim at your opponent, too. You can also use shields and two-handed weapons to block incoming attacks, until they break and the enemy starts cutting into you (this came as a nasty surprise the first time it happened, proving that sometimes you should read the manual). The combat system also features a "lock on" feature that lets you select an enemy, causing you to constantly face them and move relative to them (the left and right keys circle, back retreats, and forward charges in). The enemies also tend to react intelligently, but more then once I found myself killing what was obviously intended as a major enemy without taking damage, simply because the enemy kept trying to repeat one thing that wasn't working, such as execute an attack that took too long and got interrupted when my next attack landed on him. |