Drunk Gamers did a review of Freedom Force today, rating the game 9.2/10. Here's a bit from that review:
he game plays as a sort of RPG/RTS hybrid, similar to Diablo, and done just as well. There are however, a few minor issues I have with the gameplay. For instance, controlling the characters all at once can be a pain, and is impossible without pausing to issue commands. This in itself is fine, but often the characters won't respond to issued commands, forcing you to re-pause and re-issue them. While this barely impacts the gameplay, it stars to annoy after a while. Also, the lack of an in-game map can be very irritating. As your team is often split up, you often forget just where they all are, and are forced to scroll frantically around looking for them. The HP system could also use a little tweaking, as characters who don't even play levels will get 200 pts, while those that are out there busting heads usually only get 300. Throw the active players a bone for god's sake. They're risking their lives out there! Oh yeah, the multiplayer game is sorely underdeveloped, which I imagine will be fixed in an expansion pack, as seems to be the popular method these days. |