The Morrowind 4 kids has a new website at this address, while Brass is giving some more info about the mod:I decided it was pretty much time to stop raising land when I discovered the northernmost sections wouldn't show on the world map at all, even when you tried pushing the map around with the mouse
It's BIG, landmass wise. I am estimating about 1200 exterior cells; I have a hard time counting but its about 40x40 cells and probably uses about 3/4ths of that mass; there's a map on the site. Yes, I am crazy but I am pretty far along now in scuplting/landscaping a lot of the regions. There are already vast snow zones, rainforest zones, desert zones, volcanic zones, and ones with a ton of green-green-green grass and meadows. Lots of exotic cities with unique flavor.
If anyone wants to volunteer to make me an apple tree, or maybe orange trees, based off of LadyE's wonderful fruit meshes, I'd love to have a lot of fruit trees and vegetable gardens in the moogle lands ...
Have so far a number of pixie types, including snow pixies, water pixies, fire pixies, and earth pixies. I decided to expand my pixie selection when I couldn't stop playing with some revisions I did with wings from Dale Stocker's wonderful sylph mod. I've got some dragon races too but might still be doing some finetuning of those. Also using BOTH of Ian McConville's fantastic moogle types, because I couldn't choose, heh..
Good news for those who gripe about so many plugins that require Tribunal (and soon Bloodmoon) -- this won't require ANY other files, (and probably WON'T work with about 99.9% of other plugins either).
Check her website for more info, the pics are looking as good as always :) |