Here's something WormGod had to say about carrying things in the official forums for Morrowind:
Storage in Morrowind. Our story begins, when our adventurer gets a Lot-o-crap. Too much phat loot to tote in one Levis pocket. That suede Gucci handbag wont do either. Now, this cat has swords, shields, boots, rings, amulets, soul gems, money, you name it. Check into a Uhaul storage facility? nope. None about. Instead, he takes the easy road and cleans some bandits out of a hideout. Now, bandits hideout in many places. Caves, ruins, even some pretty nice yurts (tents). This adventurer decided to clean out a yurt. Strip the bandit bodies of all zesty possessions and sell the junk off. He cleans up the yurt, chucking out all the junk like plates, cups, food, etc, and makes room for HIS stuff. Over here, on the table, he places all his sweet weaponry. This way, he can come back another time and take his pick if he chooses to use another weapon. In some crates and urns, he places jewels and money and other small to medium items. For the armor, well, that usually just sits ON the creates and such in piles of its particular material. Now, there are other way to go about doin this. You can actually GAIN a stronghold through faction. That's one way, but a lengthy way. Oh, and dont worry about actual money (drakes). Money has no weight. I liek to think the character wears pants with a weightless First National Bank in the pockets.
Like in most games, encumberance is something that you WILL need to pay a lot of attention to. Plan well. :) |