GamePro's "Funky Zealot" has this short preview of Troika's upcoming thriller, VtM: Bloodlines...
Based White Wolf's popular (well, as popular as they can be) Vampire: The Masquerade tabletop RPG, the game puts you into the role of a fresh new vampire, who's caught in a power struggle between various clans. Being eternally damned is no cheery state to be in, and consequently the Troika's vision of White Wolf's world is dark, gritty, and full of subterfuge and moral ambiguity.
Most striking in the Chinatown demo was the dialogue, which follows Troika's tradition of diverse dialogue options and NPC scripts with layers of depth and intrigue. The main character meets with a Kuei-jin leader (pretentious Asian vampires who pretend they're not blood-sucking vampires), who pokes at you with guile-laced flattery and advice. If players are so inclined they can dig deeper, but the more impatient gamer can skip through all the dross get cut down to the chase (something which Japanese RPGs should take a hint of).