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The Wargamer has a nice review of GPG's 'Dungeon Siege II'. There's no score for this site but the text is mostly pretty positive:I had high hopes for the original Dungeon Siege. Coming from Gas Powered Games, a new company founded by Total Annihilation designer Chris Taylor, I had Dungeon Siege reserved two months before it released. My experience with Total Annihilation was one of complete enjoyment, and although it’s hard to admit, I was then a Diablo II addict. Well, I still am. However, three years ago, my Diablo II addiction was even worse than it is now, which should say something about how much I enjoyed Total Annihilation. With the help of World of Warcraft, I have started to make in-roads to breaking the Diablo II habit. And I figured what could be better than a wicked-looking 3D game in the Diablo II mode that offers control of a full party? I had tried other pretenders to the throne—Revenant and Nox come to mind—but I hadn’t found a single action/RPG as exhilarating and rewarding as Diablo II. Thanks David! |