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World of Warcraft has been rated 45 times so far, average score: 7/10 points


Ryan has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Ryan)

amazing game depth, very balanced race/class choices

Matthew Alexander has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Matthew Alexander)

Being a complete Noob to the real MMORPG genre, I was skeptical at how engrossing a game could be. I am an avid "buy, then play for a month, and then shelve the game" player. I typically have the latest releases and a bunch of saved games to the tune of about 10-20 hours each. And then I'm done. I get lost when the games get repetitive, too hard or something better comes along. WoW changed all of that. I haven't purchased another game since I bought this one. Likes: First, it's easy for someone new to the genre to get into the game. Learning curve is as steep or smooth as you want it to be. My friends who are avid RPGers were able to get in and level quickly and have some fun, while I stumbled around trying to understand how to tie my shoes. Second, this game starts with killing - HEREIN lies the wonderful part of the game - my knock against previous entries into this genre was that I didn't want the drudgery of rubbing two sticks together while people dive bomb me with F-15s. WoW starts with killing and sticks with it. I've read that people think its too easy and they can solo up to level 25, but I think those people are either the exceptions to the rule, or don't mind sitting and waiting for easy Mobs to respawn. I find the quests challenging, but do-able. Dislikes: RUNNING...running...running...there is way too much mindless running between places. That is probably my only real gripe. There are some annoyances, but they are ticky tacky - like the abundance of sporadic-drop collection quests - I believe they are called grinding for a good reason. I really like this game, but I think it will have a major effect on the gaming economics since I am way off of my monthly spending. This is why I don't mind the monthly fee - I'm only paying $15 a month for my gaming, not the $50-150 I have been spending. Yeah for me.

Havoc has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Havoc)

Nothing new to the MMO world.... exept that it happens in the Warcraft World.

theo has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from theo)

WoW for WOW

Buger has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Buger)

This website sucks

Storamin has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Storamin)

Very engrossing game. Even though it does nothing extremely innovative or new, it takes the old plans and tweaks them in every way.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


demia has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from demia)

WoW is the best game i have ever played!

Gonkster has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Gonkster)

1st time I've ever played an MMORPG (was previously and avid hardcore quake player) and what can I say? Plus points : This game totally 0wns! The addictiveness and re-play value is astonishing. The graphics are not nearly as impressive as I'd like but then again bear in mind I'm comparing to the likes of farcry and being an IT engineer I have a PC thats capable of much more than this games sound+graphics offer. You are also allowed up to 8 game characters so there's plenty of scope there to try out all the classes. Minus points: Your wife will divorce you! (this is much more than a joke, you can lose yourself so much in this game that it can really ruin relations with friends and family, use a clock/watch and set a limit) -And whats with the pile of CD's ? This is getting tiresome, everyone should have a DVD player by now. One other small minus point is simply the other players, your enjoyment of the game is very much dependant on who you meet/interact with. My advice is when you meet good players add them to your games friends list and try to make a guild with them or join a guild with players who are right for you. Levelling up can take what seems like ages and ages when you get players who won't wait during battles to buff up or who blazenly charge in and grab the attention of 20 computer generated nasties time after time. Hopefully as time goes by these idiots will move on to other games leaving only the sensible ones.

Lolzo has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Lolzo)

Average, or even worse. Every single element has been done before, and better. This game has two things going for it> The blizzard & warcraft name, and how polished it is. Riding a gryphon through any area, I can immediately see what game/location the area was taken, almost wholesale from. Levelling solo takes about twice as long as possible, and in NPC combat, skill is fairly non-existant. The crafting system is poor, class system also being fairly poor. If every time you see blizzard's name you get a hard-on, you'll inevitably buy this game regardless of how good it is(as many many hundreds of thousands already have).

Andreas Andrews has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Andreas Andrews)

Extremely bland game. The Pac-Man of the MMORPGs. Playing two weeks of the Euro beta was enough to make me wonder about the state of humanity with all the hype and the success of the American release.

Anatol has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Anatol)

Game is overly simplistic. RolePlaying is out of the question. Should not be considered an MMORPG as there is no RP, even the RP servers are lacking and with no dev/gm rule enforcement you find people from pvp realms going there just to ridicule and belittle people attempting to enjoy the game as they wish. It is nothing more than Diablo in the warcraft universe. Entirely disappointing. Server stability is not to be found here and there has been a complete lack of any sort of content added to the game. If you are looking for a dumbdowned "tv-esque" version of what other companies have done better then you will most likely enjoy WoW.

ezeri has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from ezeri)

I have been playing World fo Warcraft for some time now (since the early stages of the closed ebta), and I think this game has succeeded in immerging the player in a fun environment that I find lacking in a lot of other MMORPGs, the only bad parts about this game are, as the reviewer already said, the lack of tweaking wich can be a pain, because youre level 25 orc warrior is like any other lvl 25 orc warrior except for the items you wear. That is one part of World of Warcraft that is rpetty impressive as each item is able to have bonuses that change the stats of youre character, World of Warcraft has become very trade oriented. I see low level characters of freinds of mine by out items in the auction house because they can then have good weapons // Items that they might not be ablt to find by themselves. Complete with superb Graphics, and teh fact that it works on any PC just abuot, this game has conquered my heart from the beginning...

Thomas has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Thomas)

Quite fun for a while, but definately geared towards Diablo-type people. People are hyping the game enough, so that I'll only list the problems I see with it. Let me try to explain... I enjoy the game enough to not regret buying it (I also liked Diablo 1 + 2), but at the same time the game has VERY little depth, contrary to what some rave reviews say: - No real economy (yes, it can be done, don't start it...) - Horribly unbalanced trade skills with regards to profit/usefulness. - Very simplistic crafting. - Almost no physical character customization. - Little diversity in stats/abilities and the like due to limited usefulness of many skills leading to cookie-cutter classes (if you're not *this* type of warrior, forget end-game PvE/PvP etc...). - FAST levelling curve, leading to everyone hitting level-max quickly and getting bored (see below)... also leads to items not really being interesting until max level, as you outgrow them really fast - good luck getting all the pieces for a set (bind on pickup, so no trading for most) before you've levelled way beyond the set's usefulness (again, other than at end-game where you no longer level...). - Very limited end-game experience (slowly being added, but people - even casual players - are still at max level doing the same thing for 2 months between updates...) - Very little interaction with the world... static NPCs. - PvP system poorly implemented (what little there is of it) with no real penalty or rewards - the battlegrounds update coming *soon* will help, but also has some horrific design flaws which have been discussed at length at the forums, so no repeating here from me :) - Insanely bad community... I have played MMORPGs since the concept started, and have NEVER met such hostility player to player and towards the GMs/mods-/devs (who sometimes fire right back, which does not help...), and it's safe to say that pretty much everybody with an IQ greater than their shoe size turns off General Chat in-game, or they sit there wishing they could somehow physically stab people via the chat... It's bad, trust me. Get a good guild and close general chat and try to stay out of range of all other players, unless you're out to kill them... This turned into a lengthy post... as I said - enough praise for the game going 'round, so I thought I'd list ONLY the negative I see. There's plenty positive too, and I do enjoy the game. Just don't buy it all at face/review value. Me, I'm doing this as a distraction until Dark and Light comes out - hope it turns out the way it seems to be shaping up (not in beta), and because right now I need some light relief from Eve Online, which I don't have the time/energy for atm. When I get back to Eve fully (and I will :)) or DnL comes I have no doubt I'll cancel WoW immediately, having had my fun, but there's no more than that in the package for me.

Cara has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Cara)

Could you all possibly be more carebear? This game is quite simply a level-grinding piece of crap. The PvP is completely retarted and therefore there is no reason to play the game. Who cares about graphics/quests/etc if your PvP system sucks? Only carebears, who should all die iRL.

Thomas has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Thomas)

You sound like a nice person - always nice to hear constructive words that'll help others decide. Please come back and give us more insightful material to relate to.

GiP has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from GiP)

It' realy best

aldreth has rated 3/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from aldreth)

Horrible downtime, severe lag, nothing new - at all. Everything in WOW is a carbon copy of every other mmorpg that has come out in the past. I would suggest it to new mmorpg'ers, not if you've played them before though. Very basic combat, nothing intuitive or insightful. Graphics are very subpar for a next gen mmorpg. Overall, this game sucks.

NeeoN has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from NeeoN)


Marten has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Marten)

OK game. But complete lack of depth, extremly few classes who can only be played in one way all of them. PvP is to small and simple, totaly made for stupid people. I think Im going back to Daoc... (+sides are: Lots of the same quests, AH, crafting material in the world)

woges has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from woges)

Nice world & game design. With the PVP honour and rumoured expansion Northrend it doesn't cease to impress. I haven't hit 60 yet and its the so called end game content that makes and breaks these games, so the rating may change. But for now, a lot of fun.

Sean has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Sean)

To me this game brings out the absolute worst in people. For one thing the game is repetitively dull and boring. The quests and encounters are dull at best and at worst show a complete lack of imagination on behalf of the dev team. The game is centered around one thing, loot. People will downright steal and cheat others just for an item whose name is in a particular color. The community is downright rude and probably one of the most immature bunches I have ever had the misfortune to come across. My own account is cancelled and no you cant have my stuff.

Dylan1166 has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Dylan1166)

World of Warcraft is one of my favorite games! The only bad thing about it is the lag... But I have 1GB of RAM so it runs good :S

fallow has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from fallow)


snodgrass has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from snodgrass)

You'll love it for the first month then it'll get extremely boring and bland. Once you're over the initial WOW its the Warcraft world, sights and sounds its a very dull and repetitive RPG 'lite', add that to the most disgusting low-life immature 'community' I've ever seen, really makes WOW one for the kids. Oh and the servers are terrible - unable to handle any big battles and the Blizzard support staff are no better than a bunch of monkeys.

NOVAK has rated 2/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from NOVAK)

the game sucks and loading when wandering from world to world takes to long

Bernt Erikstad has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Bernt Erikstad)


RD has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from RD)

Very fun game with very little bugs or none one of the best releases yet for an online game MMORG compared to EQ and many others. Alot of depth to the game and you dont have to spend hours leveling a character or have to group with folks you can solo.

Rhia has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Rhia)

As far as MMOs go, WoW is simply the best. The replayability is second to none, and that's where the value comes from. The classes are so distinct that it's a whole new game playing the different types. The PvP is excellently done. There must be over a thousand (really) quests available. Travel is not a burden. The economy appears stable - the combination of soul binding, ease of making money, money sinks (mounts, travel, etc), a history-free AH, and most importantly the fact that tactics, NOT gear, is what makes a character rock, mean that it should stay stable. Let the fan boys buy gold and get all matching color gear - to the player it matters not at all, and they're not forced to farm/buy to play the bloody game.

Undead has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Undead)

This is a very great game !

Quarmug has rated 3/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Quarmug)

Pay for server, buuu. Game good, but this...

dejan has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from dejan)


Gaddorm has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Gaddorm)

Love it

Nilwarp has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Nilwarp)

First impressions are very positive. Nice toon-like world, user-friendly interface, clever quest system, etc. However, after a month or two, it appears that: - The crafting system, while being easy and entertaining to start with, becomes boring when spending real-time days to craft useless top-level stuff. - There is no content for top-level characters, especially no decent PvP. The only thing remaining is the very very boring random-based item farming, spending weeks/months to beat the same dungeons again and again. - This game being "easy" and then accessible to anybody, a lot of its gamers are pretty immature and painful, which is bad for a MMORPG.

Ulfang has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Ulfang)

The graphics & gameplay are nice, but the quests are childish. I don't like item based games (endless raids to never get the best equipment to compete). It also takes too long levelling up one's character, but not as long as Everquest. Also, I hate the 2 sides Horde & Alliance, and lack of communication between those sides. Would have been much better if people could form guilds and attack each other, well as chat with anyone.

Niklas has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Niklas)

You get level 60, create a guild, get some epics and then the game ends... if you want to play hardcore blizzard will nurf it b4 you have even tried playing hardcore, belive me I know.

mat has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from mat)


xxx has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from xxx)


josh has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from josh)


dad has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from dad)

nice graphics

Dexterr has rated 2/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Dexterr)

world of wurcraft wuz gud. recently though servers have been getting laggier and some days you cant log on at all and this is after its been out over a year. also they keep nurfing everything but mages warlocks and priests, i think its doing what other games have it's going to become another DAOC or Star Wars online game at this rate. 1-59 on your first character is the only real fun, after you hit 60 its all downhill and gets worse every patch. also even pvp is a grind, you have to keep pvping for it to mean anything, at a certain point if you put in less than 8 hours pvping a day you lose everything you worked for.

name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

i played this for 1 day and than went back to GUILD WARS!!!WOW IS SHITTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!

Thorwood has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Thorwood)

I had lots of fun until I reached level 60. From level 60 it was all downhill. There are lots of quests and areas to explore. You can also play different classes for a change of pace. I played Horde characters. Finding groups at level 60 was hard. The quest log is small, so you can really only do quests for about 2 dungeons at a time. As the quest givers for dungeons are scatterd all over the world, its not really effective to delete quests and get quests for a different dungeon. This limits what groups you can join if you want to do the quests. The game lacks a good looking for group system. No one uses the in-game meeting stones. The meeting stones do not allow you to chose your group members, only allow you to nominate one dungeon and does not allow you nominate what part of the dungeon you wish to do. Large dungeons like Dire Maul have different instances for the east wing, north wing and west wing. You have to sit in one of the cities listening to all the drivel while advertising for a group and listening for a group. Player numbers did not seem high enough from a horde view point for there to be a lot of pick up groups happening. With more dungeons being added when the expansion comes out, this will only get worse. Dungeon runs take too long. 10 out of the last 12 runs I did were aborted part way through because people had to leave for real life reasons. No character development once you reach 60. They only way to improve your character is from grinding dungeons for rare dropped gear. For 3 months (late December 2005 to mid April 2006) server performance was terrible, often so bad you could not fight mobs. Server performance seems fine now following upgrades done by Blizzard. There is a lot of swearing by players. The profanity filter frequently fails to screen swearing as players deliberately or accidentally mispell swear words. For several months entertainment I would rate this game 9/10. As a long term Mmorg I would rate this game 2/10 due to the lack of character progression at the end game and because dungeons take too long to organise and run.

Flavius has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Flavius)

bag pula in toti care ati dat 1!!!! translation you can suck my "kok" all the ones that gave it 1!!!

Wizzban3 has rated 3/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Wizzban3)

the game has lots to offer but once you ve been nearly everywhere its just boring. all you can do then is lvl other classes up to 60. most of the game is item looting and visit the same dungeons all the time which is, like it was in diablo, deadly boring. the community even makes that game worse. most of them behave like greedy childs selling their best friends for items. wow is a wonderful example how greed puts groups together that don t work right.
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