And yet another review of VtM: Bloodlines - this one at Computer and Video Games (CVG) - where they rate Vampire with an overall 86%...
The abundance of open-ended and varied missions mean you'll rarely, if ever, feel bored. One minute you'll be searching a haunted house, head crawling like a lice-ridden scalp as the sublime soundtrack and effects chill you to the marrow, the next you're hunting down a victim in a sleazy lap-dancing parlour while a rock track keeps time with your rushing heart.
Dialogue is another of the game's major features, with thousands of conversation topics and a myriad of responses provided when speaking with NPCs. But quantity doesn't assure quality, and while the dialogue is well written, all too often your replies seem fairly insignificant to a conversation's outcome. What's more, it's also usually pretty obvious which reply is your best bet.