Welcome back to RPGDot. Most people should see the new site now, and we have worked hard to make it better than ever. Have a look at the new newsscript - it has a comment section, headlines are clickable. These improvements were those most wanted by our readers, and we are happy that we now can offer them. Several other things are noteworthy, too. We reorganized our network of sites: The boards, our polls and sweepstakes as well as a RPG shop can be found at RPGFool. Pay a visit there, right now you can win a copy of "Descent to Undermountain". We also have a new banner exchange for RPG sites at Blinkingdot, and we will add a new and much improved screenshot section, too. All in all we think there are a lot of nice new things for you, and we certainly hope we can attract a lot of new regular visitors over the next months. To our regular visitors: Thank you for being with us and all the support you give us. We really appreciate. So, I hand over to the news team again (well, since I am part of it, I will hand over to myself for now *g*) to supply you with "the fastest news from other worlds"...