Not really news but Kathode tells an amusing tale about his Morrowind character in in the offical forums... :)
The only really funny story I have about him is the time I took the quest to find this guy's hiding place. I had to go up to the top of the Seyda Neen light tower and "observe him". Well i went up there to try and look, and saw him sneak over and hide something. Immediately, I decided I would run to intercept him by jumping off the top of the lighthouse onto a neighboring tree, instead of taking the normal route back through the lighthouse interior. So off I go. Wham! I hit the tree right in the center, losing about 90% of my health and falling down from the pain. Then I get up, and wouldn't you know it, I'm stuck in the damn tree! :) I hadn't saved either, as this was right at the beginning, so I had to start over from scratch. Needless to say, I let the proper people know about the man-eating tree, and it's being checked out :)
Check out the thread Here. |