1) Sony Online Entertainment / Verant proudly present another 360° screenshot, this time showing a male Mon Calamari (you need to have QuickTime installed to watch this one). 2) Raph "Holocron" Koster, Creative Director, says good-bye for a week in this post. HeŽs also dropped a few lines on PvP (player vs. player) and NPC interaction in there. HeŽll return from his Florida vacation end of next week. 3) Same goes for Haden "Shug_Ninx" Blackman, Lucas Arts Producer as he lets us know right here. HeŽs also about to leave for a short holiday but will be posting once or twice or maybe not at all as he puts it. However, his next post will be dealing with the criminal aspects of the Star Wars universe and it could be online as early as tomorrow (weŽll let you know).