Mystery saw his chance to ask Sanya "Tweety" Thomas, the Internet Community Manager for Mythic and jumped on it. As a result you can read the inteerview at, you're living the life of Riley these days, right? When you told your parents you were going to work at Mythic, did you say something like: "Well, I play a game all day, and then people ask me questions about it I'm typically forbidden to answer."? Do they believe that you're working a real job yet?
No, they don't think I have a real job. My parents are still using the computer they bought in 1985. My father keeps sending me federal job announcements, and my mother is still trying to figure out how more than one person can play a video game on a personal computer. "I know with the Atari you just plug in other joysticks, but how does this work?" I don't know how she knows about the Atari, she wouldn't let me have one. |