A lengthy article at The Escapist that discusses future economic models in MMORPGs cites Roma Victor as a harbinger of future practices. The author interviews RedBedlam President Kerry Fraser-Robinson (KFR) on the game's pay-for-sesterces business plan, and whether he thinks other companies will adopt similar schemes.
That brings us to Roma Victor. Their virtual economic model is a very simple one: Players purchase an account key, which comes with a small amount of game currency, to access
the game itself. Rather than a monthly fee, players can use their credit cards to purchase "sesterces," RV's in-game currency, if they need or want more money.
Those with moral objections to virtual property sales and real money transactions can play the game without spending any real money. "Well, you can do. It's not the," KFR hesitates, being diplomatic again, "... chosen ... method of character development, but you certainly can. To be honest, there're so many players, and there's money flowing around - the economy works - so when you log on, it's not uncommon for players to say, 'Who are you? New guy, go fetch me some firewood. Here's 10 sesterces.' It's a trickle-down economy." He laughs, adding, "Republicans all over the place will be happy."
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