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Gothic: Fan Area, Stories (Back to contents)
1) A Streak of Bad Luck
2) Riot of the Living Dead
3) A Matter of Perspective
4) She
5) The Escape
6) The Sleeper
7) The Right Way to Go
8) Yrenvan
9) Redemption of the Bloodflies
10) World in Fragments
11) The Badger's Rants and Raves
12) Gothic
13) Search for the Focus Stones
14) Journal of a Forgotten Hero
15) The Mutiny
16) The Demon Master
17) Exodus from the Valley
18) The Expedition
19) The Journey Begins
20) A Malicious Welcome
21) The Savage World
22) Valuable Lessons Learned
23) The Orc Cemetary

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The Sleeper

by praj

Chapter 1 - Gor-Shak

A trumpet called in the distance, announcing daybreak. The warriors of the Horde began to emerge from their tents. Belongings were packed away, and the Horde readied itself to move. Gor-Shak, son of Nar-Shak, Shaman of the Horde, awoke. He stood and reached for his staff, then stepped out of his tent. Gor-Shak took a deep breath. He had looked forward to this day ever since he learned of the existence of the human Mages. He had heard tales of their legendary magic and today, he would be able to witness it.

The war-horns blew, and the warriors of the Horde fell into ranks, banners raised, behind Ren-Uhl, Chief of the Horde, who was riding on his wolf. The Orc leader was by no means one of the young warrior orcs, the ones eager for battle. Gor-Shak respected Ren-Uhl. Ren-Uhl knew all too well what war was like. All one had to do was look past his granite-hard exterior and see the pain in his eyes to know. Gor-Shak fell into step by the side of the Chief, astride upon his own wolf.

The horde had managed to penetrate deep into the territories of the human king, near the mines of Khorinis. The battle that would soon follow would be a vital one. The humans needed the magical ore of Khorinis for their weapons. The orcs could not allow the humans the ore. Agents of the Horde had revealed to the Chief that every available soldier the humans could arm would be there to fight. And so, the horde trudged on.

It was nearly noon before the towers of Khorinis was in sight. Gor-Shak looked down at the city, trying to ignore the nagging feeling that something was wrong. He glanced at the rest of the warriors and his own shamans. Gor-Shak had chosen his finest shamans for this battle. Among them were five brothers. The Horde waited patiently, with the calm that prevails before all hell breaks loose.


General Lee waited patiently on the hill. His forces were ready for the orcs. He knew they would attack Khorinis, and if they did, they would have to travel through a narrow pass the hill he was standing on overlooked. And when they did, his forces would swoop down the hill to victory. Hours later, Milton suddenly entered Lee's tent. Lee was surprised at the quickness of his aide, and stood.

"Have the orcs been spotted?" Lee asked.

"Yes, General. They 're coming right 'round the valley now." Milton spoke excitedly. Eagerness mingled in his every word.

"Well then, let's not disappoint them. Have the men get ready for battle." Milton turned and started to run out of the tent, glowing with pride that the vaunted General had given him something important to do. Then he tripped over the table, in the process breaking the leg of the table, sending maps and plans flying everywhere, along with a jug full of beer flying into the General's face.

"Er...oops." Milton managed to squeak. "Sorry." Lee glared at him, then took a cloth and wiped off his face.

"You clumsy idiot." Lee muttered. Milton ran as fast as he could out of the tent. Lee sighed.


Gor-Shak glanced around at the hills. The bad feeling had gotten stronger. And over the years he had come to trust those feeling of his. He debated on whether or not to tell Ren-Uhl, but decided against it. If he was wrong, he would look like a fool.

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