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Elder Scrolls 2 - Daggerfall has been rated 123 times so far, average score: 7.84/10 points


Jay has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jay)

This game could have been AWESOME. HUGE world, open-ended, fascinating character possibilities (including vampirism and lycanthropy).Very fun to play. Crippling bugs and horrid random dungeons were its downfall.

Nietchse has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Nietchse)

Great concept but extremly buggy and a world that was simply to large for its own good.

EverythingXen has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from EverythingXen)

So much potential, so many bugs and boring combat... please MOrrowind... please don't be as dull in combat....

Maggot has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Maggot)

I actually found combat quite fun, but the bugs and random dungeons (where you could fall through the cracks in the floor) mar the experience IMHO

GhanBuriGhan has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from GhanBuriGhan)

Actually post patching this game ran very stable (at least on the three system I had it installed on). The game was groundbraking in its attempt to create a huge, living, open ended fantasy world. Th goal was only partially achieved: The world was repetitive, NPC interaction basic, many features obviously not finished. Still one of the few games I still come back to again, to test out a new character, try to find a new secret etc. That shows what a great game it is at the core and enough reason for me to give it a high rating.

garrett has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from garrett)

Very buggy and you get lost in the large world without a proper storyline.

Brassi has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Brassi)

one of my favorite games. Greatest character creation I have ever seen. I spent more time making characters than playing the game though. I never even finished the game either (or beat the main quests) but I had a blast playing

Brian Witte has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Brian Witte)

Fun class system, but the random (=colorless) world got old really fast.

ZiggyWas has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from ZiggyWas)

Tarq has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Tarq)

Unplayable on release.

sctvorp has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from sctvorp)

Although many claim it was buggy, i ran into very few with my pentium 120mhz at the time. I loved this game, it was so big, not even the MMORPGs come close to its size today. The game had so much stuff to do and explore it was mind boggling. I must have created an excess of over 30 characters. I also loved the combat system, and there were different swipes depending on the way you swing your mouse, sometimes i wish games today still did that instead of the strafe-left attack crap. I never did finish the game's storyline, but I never cared either. Also the city of Daggerfall at night is still one of the scariest moments in all games i've ever played. Vengance! Bring on Morrowind!

jujubee02 has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from jujubee02)

HiddenX has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from HiddenX)

this game is huge - i played it 3 months to solve the main quest and many optional side quests. the latest patch makes this game not completly bug-free but very playable.

Incindium has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Incindium)

One of the best experiences I've had playing a thief character in a RPG was in Daggerfall... I really can't talk about the plotline cause I never got anywhere with it. But I did have a great time as thief, climbing walls, stealing stuff, and robbing shopkeepers blind. It was buggy(falling into the void) and some of the random dungeons where a real pain but overall still an excellent experience. Daggerfall is the major reason I'm so looking forward to Morrowind cause Morrowind will hopefully be a modern dat Daggerfall without the bugs.

ItBurn has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from ItBurn)

Daggerfall is a great game. Like the ultimas, it featured exploration and a very interactive world. The world wasn't very interactive in itself, but theres was LOTS to do. This is one of my favorite games of all time. Yes it was buggy, but this never, in the least, prevented me from enjoying the game. Some people have had more luck with the bugs, maybe I was one of them. I spent many sleepless nights doing quests and exploring dungeons, building my character while not even following or thinking about the main quest. The only real problem was that it was way too generic, and exploration felt rather boring. Now we can only hope that Morrowind will succeed. With a hand-crafted world and even more features than in Daggerfall, I can't see how it couldn't.

Andy has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Andy)

Algy has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Algy)

Lintra has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Lintra)

What a game this could've been w/o the bugs and glitches! As it is, a great open ended game, where the biggest limitation is your imagination.

Edaf has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Edaf)

Pete has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Pete)

Played this one 'till my fingers bled, only had one problem due to bugs and that was an npc not responding upon a quest completion. My favorite pc game of all time.

Rab has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Rab)

Nate has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Nate)

After all the patches, which fixed the unfotunate bugs, what you had was a very fun, play how you want and very customizable CRPG. I would recomend to anyone to add to their collection.

Kyle Alder has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Kyle Alder)

The fact that it would take literally days possibly months (because I never tried) to walk from the northwest corner of the world map around the body of water in the middle and into the desert which resembled northern africa made this game so cool. I never had problems with bugs so I guess I was lucky.

dingoth has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from dingoth)

It's a wonderfull game. The only problem is the great number of bugs...

Mattias Kreku has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Mattias Kreku)

Oh, if only this game hadn't been so buggy! Yes, I know you can get stuck in quests. Yes, I know you can fall through entire dungeons by walking on a glitchy staircase. Yes, I know all the towns are the same and flat as pancakes. Yes, I do know that the guild missions are extremely repetitive. Yes, I do know that the dungeon layouts sucked BIGTIME (If you want a definition of the phrase "sucked bigtime" then play this game and walk into a dungeon..). But I still play it, several years after it was released. And I still get that annoying "Kill Lord Blaha" quest where you're attacked by the same three assassins over and over for a month, regularly.. :)

Ferital has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Ferital)

Before Morrowind, Daggerfall was the only real RPG on PC, so although it have defaults, its qualities made it the best.

Jova has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jova)

If you fokus on game not on bugs, and have imagination to overcome pixelization, and have spirit to gide you and will to endure you will became (not play) true caracter from your game. AND thet's ONLY MATERS IN Fantasy!!! Pure 10. In 6 months I'l tell you is morrowind beter.

Todd Brakke has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Todd Brakke)

A great game on paper, didn't work as well in practice. Fully patched, it was a good game, but Bethesda bit off a bit more than they could chew.

Jay has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jay)

The bugs weren't that bad, and vast freeform play made up for them.

Helge ESP has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Helge ESP)

This game RULES, exept for the many bugs and the biggness of the game. Too big for the editors, who made 20 dungeons (or so) and only modifyed them for the many thousands of dungeons in the game. In any other way, i love it.

sergio has rated 5/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from sergio)

chrisbeddoes has rated 2/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from chrisbeddoes)

A promise that was never fullfilled. Pity

Diago has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Diago)

Nigel has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Nigel)

I await a game as good as Daggerfall. Though horribly buggy, I managed to play Daggerfall for a year and a half before moving on. I never finished the main plot because after having created ~20 characters (who all followed totally different paths), I could never remember who was to do what next. I simply played as I wished, was occasionally rewarded / reprimanded, and had an absolute blast doing it. Non-linear, I wish they were all like this. Gah, there were parts of the world I never even saw!

Valentin has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Valentin)

Ubik has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Ubik)

The best RPG made in the computer to date. In spite of the atrocious bugs, you have a full world to explore at your whim!!! The possibilities are endless. You don´t need to follow a path, you just make the story as long as you play. Also has a very strong character generator.

Volourn has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Volourn)

Buggy, and crappiness DO NOT mix!

Sony666 has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Sony666)

Jay has rated 7/10 points: "This game could have been AWESOME. HUGE world, open-ended, fascinating character possibilities (including vampirism and lycanthropy).Very fun to play. Crippling bugs and horrid random dungeons were its downfall." --- couldn't have said it better, the world was huge, I mean REALLY HUGE, but um... that was not enough to overcome the major drawbacks of this half-mature title. What a shame :(

maniac man has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from maniac man)

This game is good.

Víctor M. Aguirre has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Víctor M. Aguirre)

Lo más parecido a un juego de rol para ordenador, lo alucinante es que se puede jugar con sus muchos bugs... First true 3D RPG for computer, the bugs doesnt matter, you will play hundreds of hours with bugs or without them.

Torham has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Torham)

Would have been a 10 if the bugs had been ironed out. What could be funner than searching for an item for days in a dungeon just to find out you can't actually access it? Still great, good atmosphere

nesquiK has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from nesquiK)

i love the game but i hate huge random dungeon

Atlan has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Atlan)

Best RPG game I ever played (and I played a lot :-))...no game comes close to atmosphere, size of gameworld and re-play-ability...

ironlion45 has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from ironlion45)

absolutely top- the only negative there is here is that it is full of nasty gross bugs.

Dukkha has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Dukkha)

One of the best single-player rpgs ever (after fallout 1+2). Huge and lots of freedom.

Aldreth has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Aldreth)

I loved this game, but its been so long I can't seem to bring myself to give it a 10 anymore. It was great when it first came out, I spent many sleepless nights making character like all of us :P But it was really buggy.

Jacobus van Zyl has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jacobus van Zyl)

Comments from my friend: I ABSOLUTLY LOVE THIS GAME. Sure it has a couple of bugs here and there, but it has the most freedom I have ever seen in a game(And i'm also a big fan of werewolves, if your catching my drift) If only somebody could fix all the bugs or make a online version (wink, wink).

Anders R has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Anders R)

The one game that got me hooked on rpg truly. wow a world of doing what you wante'd. lots of people hade crashes=bad. and there was som really nasty automated dungeons. that whent on forever :)

Daryl has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Daryl)

There was a main story? This was a world you could get lost in (in a good way) and do whatever the hell you pleased, for good or ill. Unfortunately a lot of its potential fans were too angry at the overwhelming bugs to stick around for the patches. The top dog in open-ended play.

Afoldo has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Afoldo)

This is one of those games I'll remember for the rest of my life, and ramble about it on and on to my grandchildren. I was not so much impressed with it as I was gradually taken in by the pseudo-reality of the world of Tamriel. After a few days playing it I realized I was hooked for life. Not even Morrowind lives up to Daggerfall; given enough imagination (to disregard the infamous random generated dungeons and towns), Daggerfall is the ideal Computer RPG, as of yet never duplicated by recent ones or even MMORPGS.

Hellbishop has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Hellbishop)

I am still playing this game years after rushing to buy it as soon as it came out. The ultimate fantasy simulator with heart and soul and frights galore.Too bad the empty shallow boring half done Morrowind was nowhere near as good as this masterpiece.Oh and use the patch it kills almost all the original bugs DEAD!

Óđinn has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Óđinn)

I would very much like to test it. I've won Morrowind and it is one of the best games I've ever tested!

Severin has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Severin)

Never had more fun with a game, before or after.

rif has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from rif)


Halt!Halt! has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Halt!Halt!)

A timeless masterpiece.7 years later and still one of the best.Even kicks into the trash can the sequel morrowind that bethesda so badly screwed up.

SonOfMan has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from SonOfMan)

The closest thing to real live roleplaying i have ever seen.I hope TES4 brings back the total glory of Daggerfall as Morrowind seems to bring back the glory of ARENA.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


GTnoonanMustSUFFER!!! has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from GTnoonanMustSUFFER!!!)

The closest thing to live roleplaying I have ever played on a Pc.It evens rivals the dungeons and dragons boardgames in detail.A truly fleshed out complete world with real life logic that is never broken and always obeyed.Its a real shame to the series that Morrowind and its badly done boring lifeless expansions strayed from the perfect formula that was Daggerfall.If only the same employees that worked on Daggerfall were still working at Bethesda then Morrowind would probably not feel like the shallow runway model full of flashy landscape graphics but no personality or depth.Oh and Daggerfall never needed any stinking expansion packs because it was just too damn perfectly complete!

darklander has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from darklander)

HUGE... but repeatable

george31 has rated 6/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from george31)

Huge world. Buggy. Never finished.

Gunter has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Gunter)


nasdsdame!!!!!!! has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from nasdsdame!!!!!!!)

This must be a joke. First of all this game is not an RPG, its an adventure hence totally off topic in the list.

samano has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from samano)

just crap compaired to neocron and gothic 2

DrCrash has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from DrCrash)

The best RPG ever, even today there's no game that provide the freedom from Daggerfall.

Gandalf has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Gandalf)

major dissapointment

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Chesare has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Chesare)


mkreku has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from mkreku)

Daggerfall has it all: the biggest game world you'll ever see (even if you played Elite), great character development, a great main quest, lots and lots of spells/skills/equipment/combat, oodles of side quests and even more dungeons and towns and other places. But it also came complete with lots and lots of bugs and design problems. Since most of the dungeons were computer generated, they always felt "unnecessary" and pointless. They were also way too big. Also, since the game was so buggy you almost always fell through the floor while walking through them and got stuck, having to reload. But other than that, this is a true classic that deserves its place among the greats in RPG heaven.

elderusers has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from elderusers)

Best game ever!

Superguy has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Superguy)


Voris martin has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Voris martin)


Nihilistic has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Nihilistic)

This game had the most ambition of any RPG I've ever seen. Even it's successor Morrowind didnt try to reach so far. Seasons, Holidays, travel by boat, horses, cart. Ownership of houses, ships, banks. And of course, you got to pick out your wardrobe, long before the online games started doing it. A detailed network of factions vying against each other. Yeah, it didnt reach the bar on all these goals but just the vast scope of it's attempt made the game a blast to wander around in.

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Arctos has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Arctos)

A lot better then it's successor. A shame about the bugs.

Uruk has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Uruk)

To this day this is the largest game world ever conceived! Wonderful!

Ex has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Ex)

The top of the best.

Homilne has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Homilne)


Kirati Laisathit has rated 7/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Kirati Laisathit)

A game you'd love to hate. Huge game world and wonderful back story to boot. The game is handicapped by the amount of bugs and the practically unplayable random dungeons. The latter could have been avoided if you stick with the main story. But then again, the whole idea of having a huge game world is so that you have lots of play area. What is the point if that extra play area is simply too exasperating to be fun?

Karund has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Karund)


xo has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from xo)


Two has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Two)


Gumy has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Gumy)


Uzumaki has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Uzumaki)

Daggerfall dungeons are legend yet to be matched!! Very good atmosphere: creepy music, gushes of wind, monsters howling etc. But the size: OMG! Every new crpg I play I am dissapointent by the small size of the so called dungeons. Bah! THe bigger the better!

Munul has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Munul)


Sushan has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Sushan)


name has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


name has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


name has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Ai has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Ai)


name has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

Very fun game.

F68DL has rated 8/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from F68DL)


name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


ISGTHA has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from ISGTHA)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

Hardcore rpg!

Ka has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Ka)


Junyr has rated 9/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Junyr)


qwert has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from qwert)

Karmin has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Karmin)


qwert9 has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from qwert9)

Johne has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Johne)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Squash has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Squash)


name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Rudegu has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Rudegu)

Great game..

name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Hassan has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Hassan)

SO so big!

Khan has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Khan)


name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Jofun has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Jofun)

Real big rpg...!

name has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


fallow has rated 4/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from fallow)


ken has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from ken)


svmi has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from svmi)


archorum has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from archorum)

perhaps this game was good for maybe 1995 but it's simply not worth playing a decade later. the graphics and interface are beyond disappointing.

name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


name has rated 1/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from name)


Bauble has rated 10/10 points (Click here to see more Reviews from Bauble)

Biggest game world ever!
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