I've been chomping at the bit for a while waiting for this game to come out. Here's EG Core's take on it's release and first impressions. Here's a taste from the article:
One difference you notice right away with Horizons, is the login screen. It is in browser fashion, where various topics of interest are listed. I found this very handy to help gather beginners information on the game. The menu topics included Game Info, Character, Guilds, Play Policies, and My Account. Under these topics you could find such links as Users, Player Adventures, Maps, Calendar, Harassment, and Item Management. I feel this was a wise move on the part of Artifact Entertainment, giving the login screen and website information all in one. Navigation was easy and the topics covered seemed to answer most of my basic questions.
What's this? Not completely lost and feeling like a n00b from the beginning? I'm not sure I'll know what to do with myself. Read the entire article here.