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Gothic: Fan Area, Stories (Back to contents)
1) A Streak of Bad Luck
2) Riot of the Living Dead
3) A Matter of Perspective
4) She
5) The Escape
6) The Sleeper
7) The Right Way to Go
8) Yrenvan
9) Redemption of the Bloodflies
10) World in Fragments
11) The Badger's Rants and Raves
12) Gothic
13) Search for the Focus Stones
14) Journal of a Forgotten Hero
15) The Mutiny
16) The Demon Master
17) Exodus from the Valley
18) The Expedition
19) The Journey Begins
20) A Malicious Welcome
21) The Savage World
22) Valuable Lessons Learned
23) The Orc Cemetary

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The Escape

Disclaimer: Gothic is the property of Piranha Bytes Software. This story is a work of fan-fiction not to be used for commercial gain. It's just for fun, so enjoy! This is a continuation of my previous story "She: A Gothic Tale". Recap: Velaya was involved in a Guild war and was captured by city guards, tried, then sent to the mines. I decided to continue telling the story from the '3rd person perspective' as a homage to Gothic itself. WARNING: This story contains graphic violence and adult stuff. So kiddies, if you are under 18, have your parents... um... oh wait... I forgot who will be reading this story. Never mind, read on!

Six months*. Six months of her life wasted in this hell-hole. After being thrown into the colony, her 'welcoming committee', lead by a man named Bullit, had taken her to what they called the Old Camp. Apparently there were several factions within the colony, and within each of the camps there was a caste system. When they entered the camp she looked around to see if she could spot anyone she knew, but only unfamiliar faces stared back at her. She thought she recognized one man near the gate, who was wearing light, red armor, but he turned away and walked into his hut when the guards brought her through the gate. She never saw him again after that day, so she considered it to just be coincidence. Her friends were probably either dead or in a different camp. She had received many whistles, crude gestures and hungry looks from the men who had gathered near the gate. It almost made her happy she was surrounded by heavily armed guards who scowled threateningly at the gathered mob of unwashed criminals.

She was brought before their leader, Gomez. He was a big, burly man dressed in heavy, fur-lined ornate armor. His face was rough and scarred and his hair was beginning to gray. He had leered hungrily at her as the camp guards brought her in. He didn't have to explain what she would be doing while she stayed here. She could tell by looking at the other woman in his castle.

She sat alone on a stool in Gomez's quarters and shook in blind fury at the memory of how he had humiliated her in front of his men that day. She hated everything about that cruel, filthy beast. The way he looked at her. The way he smiled when bragging about what he did to her. The way he used her for his pleasure. The way he cruelly laughed at her struggles. Never in her life had she wanted to kill someone more, not even those who had betrayed her Guild had earned the enmity and disgust she felt for Gomez. He had violated her in every imaginable way. She dreamed of slitting his throat, torturing him slowly, and cutting off his 'lil Gomez'. Little certainly described it. He obviously carried that big sword of his to compensate for it, she thought venomously.

She even tried to kill him once, but she had failed miserably. She had thought she could reach his sword or daggers before he woke up. She was wrong, and that had earned her a severe beating along with a week in the dungeon where the guards got to have some fun with her. Gomez may be cruel, heartless and determined to have his way, but he wasn't stupid. Apparently he had survived several assassination attempts and learned to be a light sleeper. She had learned her lesson. She had to think clearly. She had to think like a thief and wait for her opportunity to escape.

As she sat there in his room, she thought again of the escape route she had planned. On one side of the keep there was a locked door that lead to a passage. If she could pick the lock or steal a key she could get past that door. After overhearing several conversations she knew it lead out of the castle to the outer ring of the camp. She might be able to escape at night, but she needed a diversion. Something that would cause Gomez and the guards to leave the keep. So far, she could think of nothing that would do that. But it would come, she was sure of it.


*Lets be a little realistic, 'Me' is not going to learn magic, become a master swordsman, or become a master thief in a matter of weeks, even if he is a prodigy. Even this is stretching it. ;-)

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