NetJak is next to review SOE's/Lucas' 'Star Wars' MMORPG 'Star Wars: Galaxies'. The game is rated at 4.5 out of 10 points.
It's a lengthy review so here's a random snip:In order to help you find your way about all the various different worlds and towns, there's a "/find" feature in the game that's supposed to create you a path to the nearest whatever you're looking for. Med Center, Cantina, etc. While this is cool, even a function this small has bugs in it. The yellow path it gives will undoubtedly cut through a wall, be an inoptimal path, or in the case of the Star Port, be anchored inside the building so a path can't be generated to the point, and it has to create a waypoint instead. Oh..and you can't use it to find Bazaar Terminals, or Mission Terminals, or Rebel or Imperial Terminals. I can't think of a single function in the game that works without a hitch. Even the character creation function, as full of options and as highly praised as it is has mistakes. Can anyone else see the difference between the "muscles" and "chest" sliders? Because to me it looks like it just adds bulk to the character model in the exact same fashion. Combat, connectivity, creation, all of it does not work as it should. |