Yet another Friday has gone by, and yet another Star Wars Galaxies Update has come up. Most of the update comes straight from the Developers Forum, with only one regular update to the FAQ. Here they are:
8.16 What type of chat modes will you provide?
Players will be able to select from three modes: raw, chat, and prose. In raw mode, all chat appears as a simple message, exactly as typed. If Luke types "Hello. I'm a Jedi," everyone around him sees "Luke: Hello. I'm a Jedi." In Chat mode, players will read a slightly more elaborate message. In the above example, players might see: "'Hello. I'm a Jedi,' says Luke." In prose mode, we're including emotions, grammatical variations, and other additions. Again, using the above example, players might read. "'Hello, I'm a Jedi,' Luke says happily." You can also use alternate verbs like "mutter", "grumble" or "whine" if you like.
2.19 Will our view camera pass through solid objects, or will it be obstructed by them?
The zoomed out camera does obey collision, so if you go indoors, it gets pushed in. Likewise, you cannot sink it under the terrain.
2.20 Will the ground actually shake in the game when a Krayt dragon walks near us, like in the footage?
Yes, it will.
7.15 Is ALT-Tab going to be disabled in the game?
Our current thought is that we are not going to disable ALT-TAB. It might limit some hacking, but a determined hacker can easily get around it, especially in newer versions of Windows like Win2k or XP. It would mostly be a small inconvenience to them and a big inconvenience to everyone else. |