PlanetDungeonSiege has interviewed Sarah Boulian, designer on Gas Powered Games' Dungeon Siege about creating levels, challenges, and her inspirations...
How do you use design elements (triggers for sound effect, lighting changes, etc.) to create the ambiance and tension for a given area?
What may surprise you is that this stuff is actually the last thing we add to a level. The first pass on a level consists of just laying out the terrain. Next, I detail the area with objects, then a very minimal amount of lighting (just enough to make the level playable in the game), and finally, monsters and NPCs. Now that minimal gameplay is possible, I go through the level in the game and rotate the camera around; try playing it backwards, and see what feels fun and what needs revisions. Once the terrain is fully locked down, the lighting can be adjusted to enhance the mood, and scripted events can be implemented. The absolute last steps are sound and fog enhancements, since these don't affect gameplay. I'd go into detail on how we use them, except that we arn't really at that stage yet. We're currently adding these in as we get sounds and music delivered to us. |