Adventure Gamers' charming Laura MacDonald presents her most promising preview re Frogware's upcoming adventure-thriller, Around The World In 80 Days (PC)...
Verne's original story stars Phileas Fogg, who bet his fellow club members that he could travel around the world in 80 days or less. Unfortunately, Fogg was hardly a hero, and other than his passion for a lovely Indian princess, he was all scientist and no flair. Frogwares loved the premise, but added their own plot twists and a new hero to the mix.
It's the year 1899 when we meet Oliver Lavishheart. Eager to flee a pre-arranged marriage, he gladly accepts a proposition from his beloved, though eccentric, uncle Matthew. What is that challenge? He must travel the world, locate the patents to four unbelievable inventions his uncle created, and return home with the proof. Oh, and all within... (no surprise) 80 days. During his quest, our hero will discover much about his uncle's adventurous life and hidden talents, as well as family secrets and the true nature of this incredible bet. Token plot credit is paid to Fogg, as every city bears his mark. The full game will include stops in Cairo, San Francisco, Bombay and Okihama.