A massive 98% is the verdict for the Xbox 360 version of Oblivion at eToychest:The overall engine and mechanics have been streamlined a great deal from those found in Morrowind. Some aspects of the game have been simplified, while others have been given much-needed complexity. Though many gamers will cite widely-different personal experiences regarding their time spent with Oblivion, most will agree that the developers chose to expunge exactly the aspects of Morrowind that were cumbersome or did not work, and likewise opted to expand exactly those elements that warranted extra attention. For instance, instead of choosing major, minor, and then tertiary skills, players now select seven major skills and everything else falls under the category of minor skills. Similarly, there is no more middle-armor class – every armor type in Morrowind that was considered medium armor was shuffled into either heavy or light armor for Oblivion. Additionally, there is only hand-to-hand, blunt, and blade weapon skills, rather than having these abilities segregated into different types. |