Info on the new faction system and some nice screenshots - that's what you find in the latest Anarchy Online: Shadowlands Blueprint at RPGVault. Here's something about the factions:
Everyone familiar with Anarchy Online knows that there are two main sides that have fought for the right to control Rubi-Ka, the planet where Anarchy Online plays out. On one hand, you find Omni-Tek, the company that leases Rubi-Ka; on the other, you have the revolting Clans, which fight against their strict rule. In the middle, you find the neutrals.
So far, there hasn't been any consequence for killing creatures from "your" side in the conflict. With the strong setting in Anarchy Online, we felt that something was missing in regards to consequences from "killing your own". With the coming of Shadowlands, we thus introduce a faction system. From now on, various NPCs will be more particular about players' previous exploits than they have been. |