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Eager Tradesman

Joined: 19 Nov 2001
Posts: 25
Location: Russia |
After playing 2 days almost non stop and finishing the game I wish to share my feelings I'll try to avoid possible spoilers. Note: I'm not German and played german version with russian subtitles and version 1.28.
Game requires much better hardware and to run it in 1024x768 and all options maxed (300% visibliy etc) you SURELY need >512ram (about 700+), highend video card (that means Radeon 9700pro or Geforce4 Ti4800), and a processor with 1.7ghz+. RAM is the most important part because game surely spents alot of it. On my Athlon xp2000+ geforce4 ti4200 128mb and 512 ram and 140% visiblity Gothic II was very very slow in Horinis, because of the amount of NPCs and complex architecture. I checked my memory, and I noticed that system used virtual memory (and that is on my 512mb without trace programs). However in other places it runs smoothly.
Then I started game I was like woah, its good old Gothic, as usually you start without anything and proceed building your character. Everytghing is Gothic-like (yes, sadly, even bugs)! Well of course graphics became much better (thats why it requires decent hardware). You'll notice much higher level of detalisation there aswell as sky effects such as thunderstrikes, rainfalls, snowfalls and so on. The land outside of colony is where you start is colorful and full of life (unlike all-the-way-gray colony in Gothic 1). Alot of trees there are around. The game became somewhat more ambient than its predecessor. Another thing which I noticed is that interface became much better, both trading and combat. Now you don't need to hold ctrl all the time! Controls are much better customisable. There are still no quicksave/quickload which is very sad because I really was in need of them.
Onto bugs, amazingly Gothic II crashed only once during the gameplay. Also a few times it got frozen with olld ala Gothic interface bug, where as dialogue window disapperars but game counts it didn't which makes ctrl+alt+del the only option. Aswell a numerous times I got stuck in the water (which requires save then reload). Monsters still often get stuck in the doors. Theres also certain bug/exploit which lets you get an unlimited amount of strength. Now onto gameplay.
Same 2 old flaws which I didn't like in Gothic: at start ANYONE (ANY animal) can beat the crap outta you (and there are TONS of them, many more than predecessor) and you once again to cross HUGE amounts of territory over and over again (perhaps even more than in Gothic) even though there are many more teleport runes and you get them earlier. In a colony area these two problems join together -- now you have to run a sh*tload amount surrounded by evil creatures and virtually horde of orcs (at that time I couldn't even beat any orc 1 on 1). The thing I didn't get is HOW THE HELL heavily armed heavy orc can run faster than thin human with light armor? . And no Acrobatics (ugh!!!).
Unlike in Gothic 1 where I could bemage-ranger-warrior-thief at once character mixes are not possible. I picked paladins' fraction and went the warior way. Before the last chapter I spent EVERYTHING just to get 80 strength and 100% one handed weapons, that is, without spending a single skill point on mana, dexterity, stealing and everything else. And it was very hard to play warrior (you very often get beat on in skirmishes with 2+ enemies even if you can beat them 1 on 1 without being wounded once). And there is no more killer swords (max is somewhat 85 or 80 damage), and NPCs don't carry these, you actually have create them yourself (which requires so much valuable skill points) or buy (they cost alot, but still like in Gothic you can stock load of money, I had 13k unused gold at the end). Aswell when you kill the seller you can't get what they sell, these items simply disappear from their inventory I have a feeling that mage or ranger ways could've been much more succesfull since its easier to deal with enemies As mage you can create runes and learn alchemy to create potions. Can't say about lockpicking, I didn't have the skill points to learn these skills, so all these chests remained unopen . There are alot of side quests, even in late chapters, so you won't be bored with main plot.
The story and its development is simply outstanding just like in Gothic 1 if not better. I wouldn't go in details there just a few things: you meet alot of NPCs from Gothic, Xardas guides you and there are dragons. One more thing (little spoiler, skip if you don't want to know): [SPOILER]in old colony the territory of 'old' New camp is now covered by ice and snow and it actually snows there! [/SPOILER] Looks amazing! The end makes you think about about continuation and possible start of Gothic 3!
Overall score: kick ass , defintely worth a try even if you are not a Gothic fan. |
Mon Mar 31, 2003 1:48 pm |
Noble Knight

Joined: 27 Mar 2003
Posts: 222
Location: Texas |
Thankie Mafizo and naw not a spoiler bout snow, i read that at 3dfair or sufmin like that,, with an interview ,, but eh i'm about to buy a new Monitor card the Radeon 9700 all in wonder pro ^.^ 499 bucks but its worth it, my voodoo3 is finally being retired may it rest in peace after i frame it _________________ Need NEw Signature lol |
Mon Mar 31, 2003 3:21 pm |
Bread Alert

Joined: 27 Jan 2003
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The system requirements you mentioned was very hard. I've only played the demo, and that went fine. The main difference from the demo to the full game though is the RAM required. I got 256mb, will buy 512mb more. But the demo went fine with Radeon 9000, I don't think you need a so good graphics card you mentioned. Otherwise, nice reading! _________________
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Mon Mar 31, 2003 3:48 pm |
Noble Knight

Joined: 27 Mar 2003
Posts: 222
Location: Texas |
yuh my dad pointed out the 8500 all in wonder, he's used one before and has installed them , the 9700 all in wonder pro, and the future 9800 need to be attached to the pc's powersupply >.< i dont have room for that with everything else i have, so its the 8500 all in wonder ^.^
i go for the all in wonder by the way cause i run Two monitors for my work, so it comes in handy to have it setup as so,  _________________ Need NEw Signature lol |
Mon Mar 31, 2003 3:55 pm |
Mostly Harmless

Joined: 03 Sep 2001
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Quicksave can be activated in the gothic.ini.
PBsī position on the system requirements is: 100% range of vision is standard. If you want more you should have a machine with enough power. To play on 1600*1200 @max you need a P4 3GHz, a Radeon9700 Pro and 1 GB RAM.
My XP2100+, 512 MB, Radeon 8500 system was good enough to play on 1024*768 @max with 40-70 fps 95% of the time. The other 5% I had to turn down the visuals because I got less than 10 fps in town and on Lobardīs ranch.
The latest patch adds hotkeys for changing the range of view (F1 - F4). _________________ Webmaster GothicDot |
Mon Mar 31, 2003 5:18 pm |
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 19 Nov 2001
Posts: 25
Location: Russia |
You just described my situation, I had low fps only in town Thanks for quicksave tip, I'll use it when I will replay the game. And please ask Pyranha how can orc run faster than a human  |
Mon Mar 31, 2003 5:31 pm |
Noble Knight

Joined: 27 Mar 2003
Posts: 222
Location: Texas |
quote: Originally posted by MafioZo
You just described my situation, I had low fps only in town Thanks for quicksave tip, I'll use it when I will replay the game. And please ask Pyranha how can orc run faster than a human
if from eating human flesh and wearing the heavy armor causes bigger and better muscles to form, u walk around for a year with only sleep breaks carry'n a full suit of armor u'll find muslces u never thought u'd have _________________ Need NEw Signature lol |
Mon Mar 31, 2003 7:13 pm |
Village Dweller

Joined: 29 Mar 2003
Posts: 22
I understand russian, how do i put russian subtitles in german version? |
Mon Mar 31, 2003 7:17 pm |
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