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Does my ideal game exist???
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Gothic's Loyal Hero
Gothic's Loyal Hero

Joined: 14 Jan 2002
Posts: 602
Location: Maine, USA

Your asking questions that have already been answered. It's pointless trying to explain anything to you. Your mind is closed. Your just mocking me now.

I have this very same thread set up in three places. (You didn't think I typed all that just for you, did you?) In the other two places, not one single person has had as hard a time comprehending. Don't be offended, it's just too complicated for you to grasp. There is even a post where a game developer compliments me for my ideas, and says he might use them in the MMORPG he is involved with. I appreciate your interest, but it's now borderline criticism. To avoid any childish arguments, I' won't be responding to your posts any longer.

P.S. Thank you for deleting the post where you referred to my ideas as being "retarded" and/or "stupid." It was very immature, and quite offending.
I am the founder and former leader of a guild in EQ, retired member of The Code in EQ, original member of KOE in AOE2, past Corporal of EVO in MOHAA, respected veteran of UT 2003, a conquerer of all decent games, and an aspiring game developer.

Gothic's Loyal Hero, SirDeity
Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 6:00 pm
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Ghost of Asheron
Ghost of Asheron

Joined: 07 May 2002
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Please, keep the personal insults and mocking out of the public forums. There always is a way to discuss things without getting into personal insults.

Otherwise I will be forced to lock this thread up...
=Moderator of General MMORPG talk forum=
Senior Editor @ www.mmorpgdot.com
Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 8:40 pm
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Ghost of Asheron
Ghost of Asheron

Joined: 07 May 2002
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Location: Helsinki, Finland

I have gone the long route too even my first MMORPG was not Everquest, neither was it Meridian'59 or UO. I started with AC1 and it was a fabulous experience (still nothing beats it for me). After few years of playing I went and tried Anarchy Online, it was not for me. Then I played few years of DAoC, it was ok but still the same level grind as all the other games. I tried Mimesis Online but the technical problems threw me away. Then I tried AC2, well how hollow can a game go, AC2 is a perfect example...

Every single MMORPG (perhaps not countint Ultima Online) is based on the same fact that you must level yourself up to be able to do something interesting. Level up, exp and exp. DAoC is the worst example, you must practically level up to 50 before you can do RvR/PvP good (yes I have lv50 there). It gets old and fast...

And I do not like the fact that most new games FORCE you to group to be able to advance higher than the mid levels (DAoC and AC2 are the prime examples).

For some time now I've been following a upcoming MMORPG called Realms of Torment. I urge you to go check it out. It is completely skill based, no need to level up weeks and weeks to be able to survive. It has other very nice aspects too. Bloodlines, permadeath (your character can die permanently in certain situations) and so on.
=Moderator of General MMORPG talk forum=
Senior Editor @ www.mmorpgdot.com
Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 8:52 pm
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Gothic's Loyal Hero
Gothic's Loyal Hero

Joined: 14 Jan 2002
Posts: 602
Location: Maine, USA

Thank you for your response Xanaki. I was actually hoping AC2 would be a lot better than it ended up being. I was planning to get the game before it was released. Then I started hearing a lot of similar complaints and figured it would be best to not get involved. Thanks for your suggestion, I'll do some research on Realms of Torment.

The good news is, with all the MMORPG games being created, they're bound to get it right soon. The Release List on this site alone contains a surprising number of MMORPG's. I have a lot of faith in WoW though. Blizzard always gets it right. They are good about making sure their games are solid before releasing them. If you go to the site, please visit my thread. You'll find it's a lot larger than this one, and a bit more detailed. Realistically, I doubt Blizzard will address any of my ideas since it would probably require a lot of revamping. Whow knows, maybe these ideas will end up being astonishingly similar to the way things are already set up.

P.S. If you download one of the previews, you'll notice one of the background tracks is the same as in Gothic 1 =) I thought Gothic had AWESOME music!
I am the founder and former leader of a guild in EQ, retired member of The Code in EQ, original member of KOE in AOE2, past Corporal of EVO in MOHAA, respected veteran of UT 2003, a conquerer of all decent games, and an aspiring game developer.

Gothic's Loyal Hero, SirDeity
Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 10:14 pm
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Captain of the Guard
Captain of the Guard

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I'm going to be pessimistic, and again suggest that I don't think MMROPG's will advance to a higher level of maturity for a very,very long time. Out of the next wave, I would have to agree that WOW/Blizzard is the most likely to suceed in providing a more encompassing experience.

A lot of the ideas you expressed in your posts hold good logic SirDeity. But , you and I, and most of the people that post on this forum are very traditional RPGers, whom unfortunately are a minority and therefore not representative of the standard player online. The standard player doesn't demand involved or multi-faceted gameplay. It's all about quick-fix entertainment and until the maturity and expectations of the "standard" player improve , the games will not change.
Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 9:07 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 17 Feb 2003
Posts: 4

sir diety i have read the pages you posted.i hate to be blunt but ican is right there is a certain maturity lacking in mmo's people are geedy and they exploit flaws.while the game system you suggest would be a fun enviorment it would only hold interest for a short period of time to gamers and heres why.
the example you gave of a mob dropping a piece of 1/20 for a grup or 1/200 for a solo char would not work.for instance say a zone can support four groups and each group can kill on avergae of 20 mobs per hour this is 96 drops of this particular item a day and 2,880 of them a month where in actuallity it would need to be somthing around 1 or 3AT THE MOST otherwise this item would become worthless very soon.now if you were talkin about a named which i hope you wernt because i have witnessed on MANY occasions where a named is up and a soloer will rush the mob (most of hte time they dont kill it) but they manage to kill the group who is close by and about the engage.now as for the same item 1/20 is far to low for a group but in respect for the ratio you have given a soloer would have to kill 200 of the same mobs to gain the same item well lets say a soloer can kill 12 mobs in an hour it would take a soloer around 17 hours to accoplish the same task that it took a group to do in about one hour.well in this example the item has become worthless because groups have over farmed it and its basically unattainable for soloers.now take an item that is even more rare lets say 1/200 for a group 1/1200 for a soloer .this means it would take a group between 9-10hours of killing 20mobs per hour.where as it would take a soloer 100 hours @ killing 12 mobs per hour.this system seems to unfairly punish the soloer i've crunched the numbers it dosnt add up groups would find it easy to obtain items (to easy) where as a soloer would almot never see an item drop.
now you exp theory while atractive you want us all to agree with out any clarification as to what your purposing now there should be mobs that are meant to be soloed? what do you mean by this they should be as easy to solo as they are to group? are you suggesting that the down time for a group should be the same as a soloer?are you suggesting that you should move at the same pace as a group? also if a soloer is so efficent solo when he decided to group where would this amazing solo powers go? maybe you right maybe i missed your point but id like to point out that the things you've said have major holes since in eq atleast people who want to solo can easily find a place to do so.yes certain classes cannot solo war for instance but if you choose a class that is unable to solo than it would seem to me that soloing wouldnt be such a major priority to the person or else they would have picked a diffrent class.
now your farming proposal this really wouldnt work at all because you implied that instead of waiting for a place to solo you would group up.well one if you dont have room to solo then why would somone share there loot with you?the #'s you supplied for this dont add up either. you said a group member would make about 1800 in three hours where as a soloer would make around 1600 in an hour.well with these #'s the entire 6man party would make only 7,400 gold where as the soloer would make 4800 on his own.well if the i could solo and im in this zone to farm i wouldnt really group with anyone since i am there to preform a specific task and a group really isnt requied I:E there wouldnt be groups for farming since if you needed to wait for a spot to open up there is a very small possiblity somone would share with you.
i've played mmo's for a while but for you to call somone close minded because they didnt get in detail in dealing with your post like i have,only shows your in ability to learn that others are trying to explain that you are missing a certain dynamic of the game and that your system is prone to explotaion and lack of long term fun factor the death of ALL mmo's
Post Fri Feb 21, 2003 8:04 am
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