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Greyhawk Review @ PC.IGN
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

Joined: 20 May 2002
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Greyhawk Review @ PC.IGN

Another major network has reviewed The Temple of Elemental Evil with PC.IGN <a href="http://pc.ign.com/articles/450/450917p1.html" target="_blank">posting their critique</a>. The final score is 7.5/10 and here's a snip:<blockquote><em>However, once you do get the interface down, everything flows much better and the game offers a much more satisfying experience. The combat engine is impressive and powerful, and like the rest of the game, is very deep. You can go head-first into the fray with sword, bow or spell readied, or you can be a little more strategic with your combat decisions and use advanced attacks like trip or cleave, or even place your characters in the proper positions to take advantage of flank attacks. And even though ToEE uses a turn-based combat system, it flows pretty well.</em></blockquote>
Post Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:06 am
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This is the third review I've read here at rpgdot and I must say,They have all been fair.More important for me is that they are consistant.As I said after reading the first review,I am not happy with ToEE.The graphics are beautiful,the character creation is sensational and the rest is loaded with bugs.I was hopeing Troika would release a more polished performance because they must know by now that Atari is interested only in getting their grubby hands on our money and they knew before release that they did not have a contract to release a patch(unforgivable).My faith in the gaming industry has sunk to an all time low.Game after game is being released pre-maturely and full of holes and,lets be honest,50$ is not chicken feed.I'm sure the fanboys will find an excuse for this,they always do, and if you don't believe me,go to the homepage forum and read some of the denial that is going on there.To be honest,I don't know if I'll ever believe what devs and marketing people tell me in the future.There has been too much deceit as it is.
Post Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:31 am
Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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I agree the reviews have been fair (although this review has it's own bugs with incorrect info on the party size ) but I wouldn't pay too much attention to the forums. I've rarely seen a game release where the official forums weren't hysterical.

From my personal perspective I'm thoroughly enjoying the game and the only bugs I've seen have been a minor irritation. I'm not suggesting other people aren't experiencing more problems but I do think many of the posts on the forums have blown minor issues out of proportion.
Post Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:54 am
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Overgrown Cat
Overgrown Cat

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Several hours into game, and indeed many bugs exist. While no huge bugs that breaking the game apart, the relative game stability, the interface inconsistency, minor rule set bugs, etc - are well of capable of dragging down your enjoyment of this game.

Maybe i am too optimistic about this game. I'm lowering my score for this game from 80-90% to 75-85%. Sorry Tim Cain . However, at least this game is better than the half-assed Lionheart.
Post Tue Sep 23, 2003 1:56 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Yes, most reviews seem like they didn't play the game. Cleave is an advanced combat attack like trip? I agree with what Druin says, but I would rather have reviewers make sense. The other review said, "Even though its turn-based, combat seem to flows." Or something like that. They make it sound like turn-based is bad or a step-backwards.

With all the bugs in this game it definitly shouldn't get a 90%. Some of the bugs are driving me nuts. Some of the voice acting is really really bad. But I still love this game. My biggest beef is leveling to quickly. But when I play again in ironman I probably won't see that as a complaint at all I think.
Post Tue Sep 23, 2003 2:50 pm
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I agree that this one was clearly rushed and the game suffers for it. However, I have to say that I'm enjoying the game quite a bit nonetheless . I haven't encountered any bugs per se, but there are a lot of hastily and only partially implemented game mechanics and features that make it clear it was pushed out the door. This lack of polish is a shame and would be unacceptable in just about any consumer market. I don't understand how or why it has become increasingly more acceptable (at least from the publishers point of view) for the PC game market.

That being said, I think the core game here is good and would be great if it was fully tested and intended mechanics and features were implemented (at least for my style of play). I don't know what kind of politics go on behind the scenes here and what power Troika actually had to hold the game up to make sure it was quality. It just seems a shame that a game that Troika appears to have well thought out and designed was issued in this state. As frustrated as I am for spending full price for a partially finished game, I hope they go on to fix these surface issues so that the core game can be enjoyed in the way it was intended. I also hope Troika refines this engine and makes more games with it that realize its potential.
Post Tue Sep 23, 2003 3:38 pm
Most Exalted Highlord
Most Exalted Highlord

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Originally posted by dagoo77
...I don't understand how or why it has become increasingly more acceptable (at least from the publishers point of view) for the PC game market.

...This lack of polish is a shame and would be unacceptable in just about any consumer market. As frustrated as I am for spending full price for a partially finished game, I hope they go on to fix these surface issues so that the core game can be enjoyed in the way it was intended....

I think you answered your own question. You, and others, payed full price for and unfinished game. Some people do that with every game so it gives devs/pubs no reason to change and put out a more polished product when they don't have to. The PC game market is even worse because they make it difficult or impossible to get your money back for a poor product.
"You two are a regular ol' Three Musketeers."
Post Tue Sep 23, 2003 4:55 pm
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You, and others, payed full price for and unfinished game. Some people do that with every game so it gives devs/pubs no reason to change and put out a more polished product when they don't have to.

Mea Culpa. While there is some truth in that statement, it still does not make good business sense. I'm lucky enough to have the expendable income to make such purchases. However, many people (like yourself most likely) were waiting to hear the reviews before purchasing, and with a solid game word of mouth will increase sales. The relationship between production values and increased sales has been well demonstrated by developers like Blizzard.

Once again, the core game seems well thought out and a few more short weeks or months of testing and polishing would have resulted in a game with much better sales. This is especially the case in that the game is very targeted at a well-defined core audience. An audience that would have still been there in a couple of months. By pushing out an unfinished product they have drastically reduced the crossover appeal of the game and the likelihood of commercial and critical success.

BTW Unlike some other games (e.g., Lionheart) I personally am not sorry i bought the game at release. Im enjoying it quite a bit despite its often apparent lack of polish, and in no way want to portray the core game as a failure, and would like to see future improvements and iterations. However, the rush in which it was apparently released makes this seem unlikely.
Post Tue Sep 23, 2003 5:20 pm


Originally posted by Jung
Originally posted by dagoo77
...I don't understand how or why it has become increasingly more acceptable (at least from the publishers point of view) for the PC game market.

...This lack of polish is a shame and would be unacceptable in just about any consumer market. As frustrated as I am for spending full price for a partially finished game, I hope they go on to fix these surface issues so that the core game can be enjoyed in the way it was intended....

I think you answered your own question. You, and others, payed full price for and unfinished game. Some people do that with every game so it gives devs/pubs no reason to change and put out a more polished product when they don't have to. The PC game market is even worse because they make it difficult or impossible to get your money back for a poor product.

Sure in a perfect world where the game devs had poll numbers from all the users, that would be true.

However, if Temple fails its going to be blamed on turn-based, not the bugs.

More likely than not, they will patch. If you want more game like this, buy it - buggy or not. I'm having a lot of fun, despite a few frustrations. And I am more than happy to support Troika, who had the gonads to try to make a true 3.5 game.
Post Tue Sep 23, 2003 5:37 pm

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