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Whoaaaa!!! Ummm, Hmmmmm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 28 Apr 2003
Posts: 9
Whoaaaa!!! Ummm, Hmmmmm

Hello everyone .

Well, straight to the point here. Ummm, What THE H E double hockey sticks am I supposed to do in this game, lol.

Im totally blown away!!! Im so spoiled I guess, from all the MMORPG's ive played. This is totally new to me. Ive never played a single player RPG before. Well, I have, but but those were games that played on an old 486 computer, heh. Ive played AoM and AoE I,II,III,IV,V blah blah, heh but they of course werent like this at all.

To give ya a bit of "background" on me I used to play Neocron, DAoC (<--- ), AC1 and beta tested AC2. Ive played a few other games too, but they all had one thing in common which this game doesnt and that is OTHER PEOPLE playing at the same time. Im totally alone in this game (correct me if Im wrong). This whole thing is just so weird to me, hope you guys and gals understand what im saying here.

I got this game because I just moved and havent set up a DSL connection (if there is one way out here in the boonies, heh), soooo, Im only on "snail connect" (56k). GAWD!!!! Anyways, because of this situation, I wont DARE go onto an online game, lag means DEATH. Which is why I bought this game. I thought perhaps playing a single player game would fullfill my gaming tendencies and allow me the same gener as im used to.

So,,,back to the point, heh.

Pardon my ignorance, heh, but how the hell do I play a single player game again??? Ive forgoten what and how to do things, lol. I know there isnt really anything specific I should do or MUST do, but just the same, what the fuheck am I to do first, lol. Or second for that matter. Everything I view shows stats of some sort or another, some with spells, some without. If its in a barrel, does it belong to someone? Or is it up for grabs? And what about those bottles sitting on the shelves, or that staff against the wall in that shop. Its just lying there, does that make it mine if I pick it up? Im afraid to touch it, lol. I dont want to go to jail, hehe.

Is that big a$$ thing with those longggg legs really a bug? Is that that transport thing? If so,,,,HOLY SHISTERS!!!!!!!!

Ive read that I can make spells and mix them. Is that true? Can I? Really? I mean, lets say for example. Can I take a fire type spell and mix it with a frost spell to get both effects? Or what? The manual is kinda vague about that IMHO. I still havent read anything about why this place exists. What is the point of this place, game?

And pardon my ignorance again, heh. What happens when you die? Im soo used to RESPAWNING that I just dont know what happens in a single player RPG when you die. I know you cant start over, know one would ever play the game. So, what happens? Does it just take you to the last point you saved the game or something? EWWWW!!!!!

Well, i guess thats enough questions for now, heh. Ive only had time to play the game for like an hour so far . Im DONT want to know any spoilers, so please dont tell me direct missions or something like that, please.

TIA for any replies
Post Tue Apr 29, 2003 7:23 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Welcome to the Wonderful World of Single Player RPGs! Yes, Morrowind is huge and pretty intimidating at first. You'll get the hang of it in no time though.

Yep, there's only you playing this game. There's no player-player interaction possible, so it's just you, the world, the NPCs and the various critters that roam the landscape. Go forth and seek your fortune!

Items are usually owned by somebody (just like in real life), but if you're really careful you can pinch them without being noticed. However, if someone spots you or you try and sell that item back to the owner, prepare to be attacked or arrested. It's a safe bet that if you start stealing from shop owners you'll run into trouble down the line. But that's the decision that has to be made...

Yep, the Silt Strider is a great big insect - the driver uses a number of rods and poles to poke various nerves to get it to move. Nice eh?

Yep, you can make spells. In your example that would produce a spell that did both fire and frost damage. You can also make potions to save using up your magicka, and enchant magical items with spell effects too. Wait a while before starting on that though, you'll need Soul Gems and a load of money first.

You'll pick up the history of Morrowind as you progress through the game. The locals have a proud heritage and love to talk about it. Everywhere you go ask about Morrowind Lore, Latest Rumours and Little Secrets - sometimes you hear something that will lead you to great riches, or certain death. On that point, if something seems too hard, come back later. Walk before you can run.

When you die, you die. The game will prompt you to reload your last save game, or return to the menu. Try to keep a few save games around - saving into a new slot when you level up for instance - just in case something goes wrong!

Be nice to people - it pays off in the end. And don't forget to stop and admire the view!
Charlie Dobbie
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=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Post Tue Apr 29, 2003 12:01 pm
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Southern Spirit
Southern Spirit

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Go everywhere! If you see a hillside go there and follow it around and you just might find a door to a rich smugglers den hidden in a nook. If you see a big log or a knarled tree explore it. There may be a door to a hidden cavern or crypt tucked away in a hollow or camouflaged in the roots.

You can attack, rob, kill or generally do whatever you want to bad guys without repercussions... do it to a regular NPC, though, and you're toast. If you want to rob an NPC insult her until she attacks you, then you can defend yourself and rob her after the fight!

Umm... what else? Just wander... you'll find plenty to do!
Post Tue Apr 29, 2003 10:20 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 28 Apr 2003
Posts: 9

Thanks for the replies guys -gals .

It just feels sooo weird to be alone, lol. Im sooo used to someone always testing out their spells next to me,,,someone being abnoxious, someone always asking for this or that. "Hey, can you REZ a friend of mine wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy down over there?"

Im curious, why isnt this game ONLINE? Seems like just the type of game for such a thing.

So, I can make what ever spell I want to,,,,errr umm, later on in the game? Hmmmm, thats unique ehhh.

I read somewhere that someone could actually jump across the whole map. Was this dude exaggerating or what?

Cant wait to get back into the game...........

Thanks for the replies
Post Tue Apr 29, 2003 11:29 pm
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You did make a minor error- one of the complaints many have with MW is that it's a lonely island. The scripts controlling NPCs are a touch, well, simple. You're a gamer likely to be put off by stale NPCs playing a game that "regular" RPGers often find a bit stale. Could be a bad combo.

OTOH, there's a TON of stuff you can do, which should keep you very busy until you resolve your connection woes.
=Proud Member of the Non-Flamers Guild=
=Benevolent Dictator, X2/X3 and Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Wed Apr 30, 2003 4:52 am
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Elf Friend
Elf Friend

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Not only is there the exploration aspect of the game, but there is the character development side too.

My son just spent a week playing an alchemist ... his only goal was to get his alchemy skill up high enough to ID all the properties of any plant. He had a blast. Along the way he had to aquire a base of operations and build a lab ... and it had to be close to the transportation net ... this required some work and planning on his part. All in all he was very proud of his "house" and "lab" ... and the character was actually quite viable.
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=Just plain clueless=
Post Wed Apr 30, 2003 1:28 pm
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Southern Spirit
Southern Spirit

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Originally posted by DragonVein
I read somewhere that someone could actually jump across the whole map. Was this dude exaggerating or what?
Well... no... he wasn't exaggerating exactly. There is a faster alternative to flying with a levitation spell that allows you to leap great distances. However, what goes up, must come down and if your character is one that can be killed by a fall then you won't survive the leap. As far as I know there are only three scrolls for the spell in the whole game.
Post Wed Apr 30, 2003 4:44 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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There is different extensive traveling systems that get you here and there also spells like Mark and Recall. Also there are amulets that take you to the nearest temple, ect.

The game is a massive puzzle that requires patients and study. The "Morrowind Prophecies" manual will help you in understanding and find locations etc.

Then there is the construction set that is a whole different world of fun.

Enjoy and keep posting
It's a Dragon you idiot.............RUN
Post Wed Apr 30, 2003 5:46 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Originally posted by DragonVein
Im curious, why isnt this game ONLINE? Seems like just the type of game for such a thing.

Putting Morrowind online would necessarily make it a totally different game. Single player games are a very different experience and have very different aims.

If you're used to online MMORPGs, you'll probably notice in Morrowind a lot more focus on your character, a lot more detail and variation in the landscape, less concentration on finding something/someone to kill, and a lot less pressure on you to "get going". If you want to stop and admire the view, that's great. If you want to spend some time improving your reputation or getting a full suit of matching armour or researching around a subject someone mentioned, go ahead! The game will wait for you. There's noone catching up with you, noone waiting for you and noone holding you up.

So, I can make what ever spell I want to,,,,errr umm, later on in the game? Hmmmm, thats unique ehhh.

Well, after buying the spells you want to work with you can make any spell you want immediately, if you have the money. Once you've made the spell you'll need skill and magicka to be able to cast it though! You can also make any item enchantment you want immediately, but again you'll need a lot of money. You can buy filled soul gems in some places, but it's much more fun to make your own.

I read somewhere that someone could actually jump across the whole map. Was this dude exaggerating or what?

Just to add to the comments above, the scrolls in question are the "Scrolls of Icarian Flight". I recommend saving your game before trying them out...
Charlie Dobbie
=Member of The Nonflamers' Guild=
=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Post Thu May 01, 2003 2:03 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 28 Apr 2003
Posts: 9

Well, I have one complaint and a question so far.

First, the complaint. I had read about those insects that "taxi" you around from one place to another. Saw that bug in the game and was blown away from its size alone. Quite intimidating. Then I heard how it was controlled. I got to say, I was quite looking forward to seeing this work. So, I took one of those "taxis" only to be let down. The sucker never moved?????? All that happened was I clicked yes, I want to go here or there and a few moments later, I was there. I never got to see the insect move or walk. Never got to see this trainer dude controlling the insects inards. Just one screen to another with nothing inbetween.

This was a major disappointment to me. I was thinking this thing would start walking with me in it and Id have a chance to look around the world while riding. WHAT A LET DOWN!!!!!!!! Honestly, I cant see the point in having this thing there if It never actually moves. Might as well have some sort of portal instead, that would have been better, ALOT BETTER. I was really dissappointed with that, VERY!!!!!!!

The question I have is this.......

I know you cant steal, or at least you cant and live usually, heh. But what I want to know is if what I did was an exploit, or just good thinking on my part?

I was in this one place (dont ask me where, cause I couldnt tell ya, lol) where there was an NPC and he sold stuff. It was inside a building of some sort. Well, inside this building, there are a bunch of vials of stuff and armor and a helmet amound lots of other things. But, where I was viewing this stuff was out of the line of sight of this NPC standing in the building. So, I saved my game, just incase, heh. Then I started taking those things. One at a time and then looking to see if anyone noticed or came after me. No one ever did. The dude standing there never moved or said a thing.

So, was I doing good by sneaking that stuff into my pouch while that dude couldnt see me or was that just an exploit? Later, after I saw he didnt come after me, I went next door and sold it to the other dude in there, hehehe.

Well, thats all I got for now .

Thanks for the replies guys and gals

See ya in the game,,,,,,,oh, wait, no I wont, lol.
Post Thu May 01, 2003 7:05 am
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Leader of the Senate
Leader of the Senate

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First, the complaint. I had read about those insects that "taxi" you around from one place to another. Saw that bug in the game and was blown away from its size alone. Quite intimidating. Then I heard how it was controlled. I got to say, I was quite looking forward to seeing this work. So, I took one of those "taxis" only to be let down. The sucker never moved?????? All that happened was I clicked yes, I want to go here or there and a few moments later, I was there. I never got to see the insect move or walk. Never got to see this trainer dude controlling the insects inards. Just one screen to another with nothing inbetween.

This was a major disappointment to me. I was thinking this thing would start walking with me in it and Id have a chance to look around the world while riding. WHAT A LET DOWN!!!!!!!! Honestly, I cant see the point in having this thing there if It never actually moves. Might as well have some sort of portal instead, that would have been better, ALOT BETTER. I was really dissappointed with that, VERY!!!!!!!

Yes, that is dissapointing the first time. But ask yoruself, if you are ging to take the silt for the 1 million time, would you still like to sit and wait 15 min to arrive? No, probably not. So coding and animating that thing to actually move would take lots of time, and would, in the end, be little more then a nice gimmick. Just for your information, a group of modders is working on a mod that will allow you to actually fly that thing. Another group already made a mod where you can fly a dwemer airship. Very cool indeed. But thats what you should expect: the devs have to constantly ask themselves:"Will this be a often used feature, and if not, how long will it take to make it". The nice little details which costs grand ammounts of time will have to be made by modders. And luckily, the devs gave us a great tool to do just that.

The question I have is this.......

I know you cant steal, or at least you cant and live usually, heh. But what I want to know is if what I did was an exploit, or just good thinking on my part?

Nope, you did ok. Dont forget there are often guards in store, so make sure neither the guard not the shopkeeper can see you. Also, with a high sneak you can steal things even when they see you
Post Thu May 01, 2003 9:19 am
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Don't forget not to sell the stolen items back to their original owner, even by accident. It's a real pain to visit a merchant to sell a bunch of accumulated junk and suddenly have the guards arresting you.
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=Benevolent Dictator, X2/X3 and Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Thu May 01, 2003 5:16 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 28 Apr 2003
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Yes, that is dissapointing the first time. But ask yoruself, if you are ging to take the silt for the 1 million time, would you still like to sit and wait 15 min to arrive? No, probably not.

Yeah, I thought about that also, as I was typing that comment. I guess it all falls back to me being spoiled by MMORPGs. In DAoC, there are horses that taxi you around, and they actually gallop from place to place. You dont have control over them, but they move nontheless. Again, in Neocron, there is a subway car that goes around a huge circle. As you get inside, it moves and talks to ya, heh. In AC2, I quit playing just before they released the mounts in the game. These mounts would actually become a part of the player and you could go where ever you wanted to, you werent restricted to any certain path or destination. I guess, seeing this bug, my thoughts got the better of me and made it out more than what it was.

I still havent gotten used to the fact that im all alone in the game, heh. Thats just very odd to me. I feel the NEED to conversate with someone, lol. Even though I was putting that down earlier, I see now, im addicted to the online experience. Will take some time for me to get used to NOT talkin or seeing other conversations.

I know I got more questions, heh, I just cant think of them atm. hehehe.

Laters all
Post Thu May 01, 2003 8:50 pm
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Leader of the Senate
Leader of the Senate

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For months one of the scriipters is making a mount. It is still in lpha, but you can ride a guar
Post Thu May 01, 2003 11:32 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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I've personally not been too impressed with the horses in DAoC. I've a friend who plays it, and the animation is a bit sketchy, with the horse changing direction suddenly and things like that.

As previously stated, you'd get pretty sick of the trip in the end. It's not needed anyway - there's no need for a journey to take any of the player's time, as you can just jump the clock forward a bit. No other players to synchronise against! In DAoC you just sit there waiting for the horse to get where it's going, and it serves no other purpose.
Charlie Dobbie
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=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Post Fri May 02, 2003 1:30 am
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