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One loose end (a cave to the northeast w/a portcullis)
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RPGDot Forums > Gothic 2 Spoilers

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One loose end (a cave to the northeast w/a portcullis)

I've played through Gothic 2 with all three classes now, and there's still one cave I still haven't been able to fully explore.

There's a cave to the northeast, on the west-side of the large lake w/waterfall near the Black Troll. In this cave there's a couple of rats, and a small pack of goblins. In the middle of the cave, there's a portcullis. How do I open it? I've searched for secret panels, and I think I've completed every single quest in the game.
Post Tue Jul 08, 2003 5:38 pm
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Captain of the Guard
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there is nothing behind and you cant get behind (only with cheats)
(if my english is bad sorry im german)

"In darkness we are born, in darkness we will die."

"Piranhas are watching you. Piranhas are crunching your boots. Well, swim home to mommy!"
Post Tue Jul 08, 2003 5:40 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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MOLERAT FAT! That is the key. Behind the door is the Gin Distillary used by Vino (lobarts farm). you really only loot it out and there is not much else there. I believe you can only do it in chapter 3 or 4...I think. The fat you get from one of the two bothers fighting on Askin's (sp) farm. The one up the stairs betweeen Khorinis and the Tavern.
Post Tue Jul 08, 2003 6:02 pm
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Captain of the Guard
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Location: in a dark rabbit hole where no one will find me

thats another one sheerwolf means the one at the big lake east of the black troll
(if my english is bad sorry im german)

"In darkness we are born, in darkness we will die."

"Piranhas are watching you. Piranhas are crunching your boots. Well, swim home to mommy!"
Post Tue Jul 08, 2003 6:08 pm
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Originally posted by hereticiv
MOLERAT FAT! That is the key. Behind the door is the Gin Distillary used by Vino (lobarts farm). you really only loot it out and there is not much else there. I believe you can only do it in chapter 3 or 4...I think. The fat you get from one of the two bothers fighting on Askin's (sp) farm. The one up the stairs betweeen Khorinis and the Tavern.

That's not the cave I was talking about.
Post Tue Jul 08, 2003 6:08 pm
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Village Leader
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Originally posted by liquid
there is nothing behind and you cant get behind (only with cheats)

Ack ok, thanks. Hmm mabye it'll open up in the expansion:)
Post Tue Jul 08, 2003 6:09 pm
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Captain of the Guard
Captain of the Guard

Joined: 06 Jul 2003
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Location: in a dark rabbit hole where no one will find me

@sheerwolf you cant really get behind the legal way

open your character info type in marvin and then close now move in front of the portcullis and press k you will be behind it either you die or nothing happens but there is really nothing behind it if you want to get out press fast F8 more times and you will move up
(if my english is bad sorry im german)

"In darkness we are born, in darkness we will die."

"Piranhas are watching you. Piranhas are crunching your boots. Well, swim home to mommy!"
Post Tue Jul 08, 2003 6:11 pm
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