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The framerates are ridiculous and unacceptable....
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Where’s my Banana?!?!
Where’s my Banana?!?!

Joined: 08 Mar 2002
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Location: Dont know, looks kind of green

What a retard. What the hell does an ATM have to do with Morrowind?

You are paying for a bug free peice of software when you buy Morrowind. You are not paying for an ATM that is invincible when you buy an ATM.

Qualified repair centre huh? I am an MCSE/MCNE and I have never had a tech support guy able to fix a problem that I couldnt.

And how the hell am I exagerating? Do you have a secret camera in my house that has been watching me play? Cuz I would sure like to know how you would know whats truth and whats not. Unlike retards like you who come onto these boards and just post flames because someone elses oppinion doesnt match yours, I actualy come here to help people and post legitimate arguments. I only flame in retaliation to pricks like yourself.

BTW, I am not being nit pickey, I think Morrowind is the best RPG ever. But people have the right to know the truth, not just your fanboy version of it.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 6:50 pm
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For someone so informed it appears you need to brush-up a bit...

(copy and paste the complete url)
If you find the word "bug" anywhere in that description please clue us in...

A "bug" would be if you sold an item for 100coins and it only gave you 10coins, that's an unintended action.

Another name for exploit is "cheat" often directed at a vulnerability, at least use common computer/internet terms when describing these problems you are having. Cheating/exploting is not unintended it is INTENTIONAL by the person doing it, knowing they are not follwing the intended action.

Bug-free? Name me (1) program or OS you have EVER used that was/is "bug-free" Working with MS software you should know NEVER to use terms like "bug-free" with ANY software.

TIP: in the future please avoid usng the words MCSE/MCNE while defending yourself, it only makes you look desperate.

Last edited by Breakapart on Fri May 10, 2002 7:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Fri May 10, 2002 7:13 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
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Originally posted by eightman2k

You're missing the point,

Options should not have to be turned off.

I'll repeat what i said before....

It is ridiculous and unacceptable that $2000 worth of top of the line computer hardware, including the latest graphics card, the latest memory, the latest chipset and the latest processor, cannot consistently give 30+ FPS in a game released today at 1024x768x32 with full graphics and game options on.

If options shouldn't be turned off, then they wouldn't be optional. By the way, this isn't the first game has brought today's hardware down to its knees. Even Quake III can do that (or used to be able to).

If you feel so strongly then I would suggest that you take back the game.

Now for those of you that think this game is so progressive that the developers were thinking of tomorrow's hardware when they designed and coded it, I can pretty much guarantee that they weren't. The rendering engine and the game were desinged with DirextX 8.1 in mind which supports today's hardware. And, it was today's hardware that the game was tested on. It would be absolutely foolish to design an application of any type for a platform that doesn't exist in the domain you intend to deploy.

While tomorrow's hardware will probably implement the functionality of the DirectX API much more efficiently than today's you cannot, nor should you, assume this. If you do, you run the risk of developing an application that upon release will not be usable for another month, 6 months, a year, etc. The Devs are not Oracles.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 7:13 pm
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Where’s my Banana?!?!
Where’s my Banana?!?!

Joined: 08 Mar 2002
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Location: Dont know, looks kind of green

"TIP: in the future please avoid usng the words MCSE/MCNE while defending yourself, it only makes you look desperate."

Once again, I am just stating a fact. And you can hardly talk, using an ATM to justify an argument about Morrowind. Thank you for confirming that I was defending myself. I am sure the Admins will be interested in that part.

Its not a cheat if the programmers didnt intend it. Its an exploit because its something wrong with the game that can be taken advantage of to benefit the player.

I never said you would get bug free software. But thats what you paid for. If it wasnt then why would they bother patching the bugs in the first place?

Anyway, forget the insults for a second. Why on earth did you feel the need to insult me when I am just trying to tell people my experiences with the game. How can that be wrong?
Post Fri May 10, 2002 7:21 pm
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Chekote perhaps you should go back through your posts and mine and count for us the number of name callings each of us said to the other...
You might be suprised.

Of course i said defending yourself-(they were your opinions), you sure weren't defending me or anyone else.

""Its not a cheat if the programmers didnt intend it.""
???could someone else explain this comment to me, it made no sense. Using an exploit to "cheat" the game for extra money/exp/items, i don't see how it can be described any other way...

Well anyway it's been fun debating with you, however it appears we agree to disagree, i'll allow others to decide how they feel on the points made during our discussion. Good Luck to you...
Post Fri May 10, 2002 7:37 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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Originally posted by Breakapart
I wonder if using a crowbar on an ATM is an exploit you should report to the police. That's a deliberate action that causes something to happen?

Sounds like the ATM machine is faulty and has bugs/exploits.

That's one reason for the cameras that ATM machines have. With the exception of those exploits you can intentionally access by means of cheat-codes (which are usually there for debugging purposes), exploits are either a) poor design choices, or b) code defects. In other words folks, if a gme does something in a certain situation that the developers did not intended, then it is an exploit and can be thought of as a defect.


One thing i find interesting is your roleplaying a character that jumps/hops everywhere you go? Guess that's one style of play the game designers didn't think about....either that or they laughed about it when someone mentioned it. (i wish this was multi-player i'd laugh so hard watching you hop past me-*there goes peter rabbit*)

If the developers didn't think of it, then it is their fault and not the players, while you can't design & code for every eventuallity, you sure as hell want to try. The Devs are responsible for the bugs in the game regardless of how the bugs are found. Some screwups like "hey the game didn't automatically save my game when I umplugged my machine" are beyond the scope of the game and should not be addressed.


My problem with your post is your talking about problems your having like they are effecting everyone which is not true at all. So again i say, perhaps your system needs to be looked at by a qualified repair center.

Why would his problems have to be common to everyone before they become important? Yes, you can get stuck on object in the game with absolutely no way of getting off. This has happened to me once. I have never dropped through a floor, but this does not sound like a hardware or software configuration problem. His sound problem on the other hand may be.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 7:42 pm
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Where’s my Banana?!?!
Where’s my Banana?!?!

Joined: 08 Mar 2002
Posts: 1540
Location: Dont know, looks kind of green

Thank you! Finally someone reasonable.

I checked the insults btw, and I may have been more aggresive defending myself, but my whole point is I just post my experiences and you came along and insulted me for no reason whatsoever.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 7:44 pm
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My system is a mid range system and I am getting decent performance with the game. One thing to remember is not to get too hung up on FPS THIS IS AN RPG not a shooter.

My comp:(a modified Compaq mind you)
AMD Tbird 1.3 ghz
256mb DDR RAM
GeForce4 Ti 4400 using the Beta 29.11 drivers
SB Audigy latest XP drivers from Creative
Win XP Home ED.
Virtual Memory set to 512 MB
Nearly everything shut off in the background
I score in the 8500's in 3DMark (heck, I even get 49 fps in the nature test) here's the link

Running the game in 1280 X 960 X 32
Using Quiccunx AA
Pixel Shading ON
AI Distance 1/4
3D Audio ON
View Distance MAXXED
Shadows FULL

My framerates in different areasare as follows:
Starting town 15 - 25
Dungeon near starting town mid 30's
Inside the lighthouse 70-100
Outside in the Red mountain Region during a sandstorm in the 30's
Balmora High teens to mid 20's
Balmora South Wall cornerclub in the mid 40's

So you definately have to tweak your system some more. Just be thankful these aren't the days of good ole Messy DOS....erm MS-Dos When in order to get a new game to run you had to edit your config.sys files, autoexec.bat files, load the drivers in a certain order, use himem, emm386 or not etc....., heh.

Bottom line: you need to tweak out your system some more
Post Fri May 10, 2002 7:52 pm
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Originally posted by Chekote
Thank you! Finally someone reasonable.

I checked the insults btw, and I may have been more aggresive defending myself, but my whole point is I just post my experiences and you came along and insulted me for no reason whatsoever.

Where did i insult you? :confused:
I was asking you those questions, had you described any i would have tried to duplicate them.(i was laughing when i asked those questions though, as i was imagining a game where you fall through the floor often--oh my bad that's Gothic)

After testing your problems/descriptions i would have emailed the devs, rather than complain on a public fansite message board.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 8:07 pm
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Where’s my Banana?!?!
Where’s my Banana?!?!

Joined: 08 Mar 2002
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Location: Dont know, looks kind of green

I didnt come here to intentionally complain about the game. I just noticed that someone was trying to say that it was about as bug free as they come. Please dont tell me you beleive that?

"Saying the game exploits are effecting you is sad...really sad."

Not only did you insult me, but you mis-quoted me aswell. I am sure you are gonna say that wasnt an insult, but is sure seems like one to me.

Anyway, forget about it, I dont realy care anymore. Lets call a truce and just start from scratch.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 8:14 pm
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Stay away from GeForce 4 MX/Comment on FPS

Stay away from the GeForce-4 MX. The name is misleading. According to Anandtech, it does not implement full Direct-X 8 compliance, so you won't get the graphics goodness you are probably looking for. In part:

"It turned out that the NV17M was eventually going to be a desktop part as well under the codename NV17, which is what we had always known as the GeForce3 MX. The major problem with this name is that the NV17 core lacks all of the DirectX 8 pixel and vertex shader units that made the original GeForce3 what it was. Instead, the NV17 would basically be a GeForce2 MX with an improved memory controller, multisample AA unit, and updated video features; another way of looking at it would be the GeForce3 without two pixel pipelines or DirectX 8 compliance. The problem most developers will have with this is that the uneducated end user would end up purchasing the GeForce3 MX with the idea that it had at least the basic functionality of the regular GeForce3, only a bit slower. While in reality, the GeForce3 MX would not allow developers to assume that a great portion of the market had DX8 compliant cards.

Luckily NVIDIA decided against calling the desktop NV17 the GeForce3 MX, unfortunately they stuck with the name GeForce4 MX. This is even more misleading to those that aren't well informed as it gives the impression that the card at least has the minimal set of features that the GeForce3 had - which it doesn't." Link: http://www.anandtech.com/showdoc.html?i=1583&p=6

As for the rest of this, I have not measured my FPS. And I have noticed some choppiness, but not nearly enough to impact my enjoyment of the game. I'm running just fine for my tastes on a T-Bird 1.2, KT7-RAID MB, 512MB RAM, 7200 RPM WD HD, and a Radeon 8500 128MB DDR. Plan to try the crack to diable Safedisk....according to another board it has a LOT-LOT-LOT to do with the choppy effect in the game and users are getting 10-15% framerate improvement by implementing the hacked EXE file.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 8:26 pm
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Ok, i went back through this thread...

Chekote has a laptop, this CAN explain a few of his sound issues. (is it hardware sound or software based, this would explain alot.)
What laptop do you have? I'd be happy to check this out for you.

The reason i jumped into this thread was your suggestion of CONSTANT falling through the floor. Come-on "constant" is that complately truthful? or did it happen once or twice?
Then i asked where this happened, so myself and others can check this out and find out if it needs to be reported for faster action.(falling through the game should rank as HIGH priority for the fix-it team)

Let us know about that laptop brand/model perhaps we can help identify the problem.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 8:44 pm
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Originally posted by Breakapart
Originally posted by Anonymous
You can't show FPS in a screenshot with the option menu up =p

Are you smoking crack? All i did was hit the esc key, then selected options and there you have the menu and fps both showing, is that too tough for you? Come-on at least try it before you start saying i faked the pic. :rolleyes:

Err, are YOU smoking crack or is your reading comprehension just that poor? I did not say you faked the ss. I believe its quite legitamate. Its just not worth anything because when you have the option menu up the game basically pauses. You get like 10 more fps (at least on my rig) when in the option menu. No option menu = 10 less fps, note the fps counter is still running while in the menu. Check it out on your system, read what I wrote, and put down the crack pipe! :rollseyes:
Post Fri May 10, 2002 10:26 pm
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Bah.... i'm tired of wasting time bickering over fps this is not quake3 afterall.

*we now return you to your regularly scheduled bickering match*

Last edited by Breakapart on Fri May 10, 2002 11:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Fri May 10, 2002 10:49 pm
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k, to start with, I think Morrowind has the greatest looking outdoor environments I have seen to date. besides being wicked to look like, it is a great game, that has me addicted ... not many games do that to me anymore

having said that, I tried everything to make this game to look as good as I possibly can with my current hardware, and I am annoyed when country-side runs as smooth as a babies behind, but in cities it is as rough as George W's rhetoric ... still, what can I do? too bad for me, eh?

I understand you guys complaining about not being able to run smoothly with all options on and to the max, but be real. trust me, I would LOVE to see this game in all it's splendor, with full shadows, without choppines ... but at current level of technology available to us regular consumers, this is impossible. hell, I was prepared to purchase a top of the line GeForce 4 solely for the purpose of running this game without a skip in a frame ... but knowing that it still doesn't help, I will wait for GeForce 5 or whatever next generation card will be

this game will look at its best in a few months, but as it is now, graphics cards can't push the amount of polygons being thrown at them. look how much detail the environments have! this game is designed for today and for the future ... when quake III came out, many rigs could not run it at max either, myself included, and today ppl get 200+ fps, and complain about the lack of options to make that game look better, or to push their cards to the limit. many of us were later greatful to Carmack for making a game then that we could still enjoy today ... if only all developers were as forward thinking

this is not Tribes 2, where the engine sucks so bad that you can't even enjoy it no matter what your rig is. tell me that you don't think Morrowind looks sweet on your 2Ghz +, GeForce 4 machine ... I will not buy it for a second

BTW, my setup:
P4 1.7
SB Live
GeForce3 Ti 200 (overcloked to max)
Direct3D PCI textures = 100MB
Vibrance = 75%
3dMark = 6842

Res = 1280x960
Distance = Far
Pixel shading = on
Shadows = off
3D Audio = high
AI Distance 1/4

Post Fri May 10, 2002 11:14 pm

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