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RPGDot Forums > Morrowind - Spoilers

Author Thread
High Emperor
High Emperor

Joined: 01 Jul 2002
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Location: London, England

My level 15 Dark Elf Hunter, Venrath, has been clearing out the hordes of Goblins in Old Mournhold, and had cleared all areas except the 'Tears and Teran Manor, East Building, leaving a trail of dead Goblins in his wake.

Thinking he had the trainers and the warchiefs cornered, he had to quickly drop back to the mainland for supplies and was gone less than two days. Hurrying back to the sewers to pursue his cornered quarry to its destruction, he was pondering tactics for the great battle before him.

As he leapt from the last rung of the ladder and proceeded into the depths beneath Godsreach, he suddenly froze - what was that sound? Creeping around the corner he found his worst fears had been realized... the little buggers had respawned! After all the fighting, all the bloodshed, all the Standard Restore Health potions, it was all for naught - he would have to do it all again.

To add insult to injury, Morrowind chose this moment to crash Windows and leave me staring at a blue screen. Infuriating!
Charlie Dobbie
=Member of The Nonflamers' Guild=
=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Post Sat Feb 08, 2003 12:06 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Location: London, England
The War May Yet Be Won...

Hurrah, it seems all is not lost! After driving Silver Arrows through the heads of the first group of Goblins in a fit of rage, Venrath had an idea. There's a shortcut from the Residential Sewers all the way to West Sewers, and since he knew he had no business in the Palace Sewers, there's no harm in taking it. The hatchway opens up near a Durzog, but not close enough to alarm him, so maybe stealth is the key?

After surveying the situation, it still seemed hopeless. Two War Durzogs, six Goblin Handlers, several normal Goblins and a Goblin Officer still stand between him and his objective - the Battlefield. Time for another plan - what scrolls and potions did he pack for this journey? Ah-ha - a plan formed!

Dropping all excess weight, and slugging down a bottle of Skooma and a Standard Potion of Invisibility, off Venrath ran. It worked - the Goblins didn't see him! Unfortunately in his haste he made a wrong turn, and had to backtrack considerably. The end was in sight, with only one Goblin and a Goblin Officer in his path as he ran for the door to the Battlefield. The icon began to darken...

When the last effects of the Invisibility brew ran out, the Goblins screamed as they saw they'd been tricked; they drew their weapons and charged! Luckily Venrath was but two paces away from the door, and managed to get through before the first Goblin reached him. Lucky those goblins don't know how to open doors.

Opting for a less subtle approach, Venrath raced through the Battlefield, barely pausing to ram his poisoned Glass Longsword through the skulls of all in his way, and headed for the City Gate.

A Glorious Sight awaited him!

Littered here and there on the floor were the mutilated remains of the Goblins who'd dared stand in his way before - the Curse of the Respawn had not yet reached this far, and all was as he left it. With a whoop of glee he ran straight through into the Armoury Ruins and out the other side, into the 'Tears. There'll not be enough time to get to the Teran Manor, East Building before the whole dungeon will be swarming with Goblins yet again, but for now Venrath is content - he'll take care of those Warchiefs and leave the trainers for another day. Also, with a new trick up his sleeve he'll be back with more Skooma and more Invisibility, and the trainers better watch out.
Charlie Dobbie
=Member of The Nonflamers' Guild=
=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Post Sat Feb 08, 2003 1:03 am
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Noble Knight
Noble Knight

Joined: 04 Dec 2001
Posts: 222

A moving story. There's a trick about respawning: a monster won't respawn if their corpse is still in the game. Eventually the corpse decays, of course, but that takes several game days. So if you don't want to fight the same monsters again, don't "dispose of corpse".
Post Sat Feb 08, 2003 3:03 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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I Left Them All To Rot!

Ah, but I hadn't - the entire sewer section was strewn with the bodies of my enemies! I guess I'd been away *just* long enough for the bodies to disappear. Considering I went from one section where they were all respawned to the next section where they were all dead, I think I just returned in time!

But the story had a happy ending:
Charlie Dobbie
=Member of The Nonflamers' Guild=
=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=

Last edited by cfmdobbie on Sat Feb 08, 2003 2:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Sat Feb 08, 2003 1:57 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Location: London, England

Venrath crept through the tunnels of the 'Tears, approaching the place where he knew the Warchiefs lurked. Opting for a frontal assault, he lept over the last ledge and smote the first Warchief with all his might!

After reloading, he decided to be a little more cunning. Venrath had picked up a couple of magic rings - a Ring of Fireballs and a Ring of Wizard's Fire. Not having used either before he was uncertain how effective they would be. However, he knew he could use them at range, which was the important part.

He crept to the edge of the first Warchief's room, readied the 'Fireballs - and let rip! Fireball after fireball smashed into the Warchief, provoking a bellow of rage - the 'Chief turned to Venrath and lunged towards him. After exhausting the Fireballs, Venrath switched to the Wizard's Fire, and again blasted the Warchief. As this second ring ran out, he noticed two things. One, the Warchief was getting very close, almost within striking distance. Two, all the magic he'd thrown had had very little effect on the 'Chief's health.

Running backwards as fast as he could go, he summoned a Bound Longbow and nooked a Silver Arrow. The Warchief clambered up the cavern wall and over the ledge into the tunnel where Venrath had just been. Volley after volley of Silver Arrows ploughed into the Warchief, this time with a noticable effect on his health. Venrath had stumbled back into a large pool of water by the time the Chief (now in a terrible state of health) reached him, so he raised his Glass Longsword and swung with all his might!

Venrath took serious damage in that final skirmish, but the Warchief took more. He lay dead at his feet, bleeding slightly into the water.

Having discovered the Goblins' weakness to a properly-propelled sharp bit of metal, Venrath raced through the tunnels ahead of him, and killed the other chief in a similar manner. His only prize was an enchanted shield and a few coins.

However, he'd noticed a door to the Residental Ruins in the first Warchief's lair - that would avoid the need to fight through the Abandoned Passage and on to Teran Hall, as Venrath had previously noticed a door to the East Building - in the 'Ruins themselves!

With a new sense of purpose Venrath charged through the 'Ruins, slaying all in his way, heading for the final showdown...

To Be Continued...
Charlie Dobbie
=Member of The Nonflamers' Guild=
=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Post Sat Feb 08, 2003 2:19 pm
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Overgrown Cat
Overgrown Cat

Joined: 03 Jul 2002
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Interesting account of your adventure.

Mourhold's dungeons always filled with monsters (respawning), making the gameplay pretty much heck & slash affair.
Post Sat Feb 08, 2003 2:55 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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And so Venrath (now level 16) entered Teran Hall, East Building to once and for all destroy the Altmers responsible for training the Goblin horde. Considering the huge number of Goblins he'd slain in the course of his adventures in Old Mournhold, they must have been very busy indeed.

On stepping through the door he was immediately set upon by two Goblin Bruisers, and had to fight hard to stay in one piece. When finally they lay dead at his feet he'd taken some serious damage and had to use up a whole shield's worth of healing enchantments and a number of potions as well. A quick glance around the room gave Venrath the impression that if the Goblins had their way, all battles in this area would be close quarters and bloody. Knowing that he couldn't afford to take on more than two of these enemies at one time hand-to-hand, he realised that this building would have to be cleared slowly and carefully.

Steady progress removed all enemy presence from the halls except for one last corridor - in which the Altmers must therefore be found. Not too keen on fighting them hand-to-hand, Venrath decided that the Bound Longbow was again the way to go. First, however, some spells:

While the middle of a furious battle is the perfect time to quaff a potion or three, attempting to cast a scroll will usually get you killed. For this reason, Venrath decided that his scrolls of Vigor and Vitality should be read first, as while the first effects will be wasted, the long-term effect will be favourable. Taking stock of the potions he had available, Venrath invoked his Bound Longbow and took aim.

From the first hit the Altmer were noticeably annoyed, and wanted blood. Still Venrath fired arrow after Silver arrow into the pair of them, just trying to do as much collateral damage as possible before they reached him. He backpedalled as fast as possible, weaving through the corridors with two furious trainers pursuing him.

Just as the Altmer reached him, Venrath threw the magical bow aside and drew his sparkling sword. It wasn't long before it tasted blood.

While Venrath was visibly doing damage to his enemies, they were hitting him back twice as hard. Time for a few potions. Venrath quaffed at least four different healing potions, two Fire Shields, a Fortify Strength, and some Fortify Fatigues. These lasted long enough to take one of the trainers down, whereupon Venrath had to quaff ALL his remaining healing potions in order to stay alive. Much ducking and diving had to be performed before the battle finally ended.

As the Altmers lay dead at his feet, Venrath surveyed the destruction. His armour was severely damaged, his sword almost broken, and his stocks of scrolls and potions were rather depleted. However, the quest was over and both the Warchiefs and the Altmer were dead. The reward should pay for all the repairs and restocking that must be done. Returning to the entrance, Venrath picked up all the gathered loot, activated his Amulet of Recall and returned to town.

A rather profitable affair in the end - the Ebony Longsword, properly enchanted, will make an excellent replacement for the Glass Poisonsword Venrath is currently using. The Ebony War Axe, while worth a lot of money, will be stored for later use - even though he enjoys the use of bladed weapons, Venrath is keen to learn a replacement weapon in the future. The Orcish armour will be immediately sold to the highest bidder.

Onwards and upwards - there exist many more quests to be conquered in Mournhold. First, however, some shopping...

- T H E - E N D -
Charlie Dobbie
=Member of The Nonflamers' Guild=
=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 1:45 am
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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Would you like your story to be published in the according games section here at RPGDot..?
Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 10:51 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Um, if you want!

It's not very good quality, and is rather broken up over several posts, but if you want to, sure! If you're after a better written story, I can offer one I wrote slightly more coherently a while back:


(I haven't checked, but expect forum T&Cs state that RPGDot hold all rights to postings, so you're totally free to edit as you wish)
Charlie Dobbie
=Member of The Nonflamers' Guild=
=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 3:04 pm
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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Thanks for the link. If you'd like me to, I'll go over both stories, smooth the edges of this one a bit, then send it back to you (the only editing I'm adamant about are typos, all other edits are proposals). If you like the result, I'll see to it that they are put up here, if not - well, I'm sure we'll reach an agreement. If you have screenies to accompany the stories, feel free to send them to me. I'm always on the lookout for new fanfic authors ...

I'm not sure when I'll be able to do it, however - I'll be back to work tomorrow and my online time will be rather limited again.
Post Sun Feb 09, 2003 3:51 pm
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Tremere Vampire

Joined: 24 Jan 2003
Posts: 651

very nice stroy now i can't wait to get tribunal and hopefull be able to excell in this quest as you have
We are what mortals fear and wish to be...
The Darkness will consume you, and so shall we..
(^) Novice of the RPGdot Shadows(^)
Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 2:53 pm
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Fearless Paladin
Fearless Paladin

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Good story! I found it very entertaining.
Post Sat Feb 22, 2003 4:55 pm
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